The Maven team is pleased to announce the Cactus plugin 1.1 release! The Maven Cactus plugin is a plugin for Cactus ( that allows to automatically start containers, run Cactus tests and stop the containers. Changes in this version: o Added support for HttpUnit integration out of the box (i.e. the HttpUnit jars are automatically added by the Cactus plugin). o Ability to exclude Cactus tests (for long running tests for example, in debug period). o The web.xml elements required for Cactus are now automatically added to the user project web.xml. o Added support for running the tests using the JUnit Swing Test Runner. Simply create the following Maven property "maven.cactus.testrunner = swing" to use the Swing Test Runner. o Added automatic discovery of Cactus Test Cases and ignore test support classes. o Creation of the project war/webapp is now left to the Maven War plugin. Cactus repackages it by adding the Cactus tests, the Cactus configuration files and the Cactus external jars. Thus, the Cactus plugin now supports the "war:webapp" goal. o Improved documentation: "news" section on front page and improved "Quick Start" page. o Support for WebLogic 7.x. You can download the Cactus Maven plugin here: Have fun! -Vincent