${file} does not exist.${msg}
${file} does not contain string [${match}].${msg}
${file} found and not expected.${msg}
Expected [${expected}] but got [${value}].${msg}
Must have the plugin ${pluginToTest} v${minReleaseToHave} installed to use this version of ${neededBy}.
Try: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=${pluginToTest} -Dversion=${minReleaseToHave}
Skipping file as '${fileName}' already exists
Generating file '${fileName}'
Skipping file as '${fileName}' already exists
Generating 'empty' goals file '${fileName}'
Generating file '${fileName}'
Skipping file as '${fileName}' already exists
Generating 'empty' properties file '${fileName}'
Generating file '${fileName}'
Skipping file as '${fileName}' already exists
No plugin.jelly, not generating tags.xml
Generating file '${fileName}'
repo is '${repo}'
trying to download ${remoteFile}