Plugin Usage How do I use links ?

The URLs must link to a directory where the javadoc generated file "package-list" is accesible for the package.


How do I use offlineLinks ?

The URLs must link to a directory where the javadoc generated file "package-list" is accesible for the package.

Example (generates offline links in offline mode):

maven.javadoc.offlineLinks=/opt/java-apidoc/j2sdk1.4.1/docs/api/, /cvsroot/maven/target/docs/apidocs/

Generation of online javadoc links in offline mode is also possible. You need to provide the online URL plus the a offline directory resource for "package-list". URL and directory need to be seperated by the "#" character.

Example (generates online links in offline mode):

maven.javadoc.offlineLinks= \, \
How do I use links behind a Firewall ?

You can set your proxy parameters in the additionnal parameters passed to the javadoc :

maven.javadoc.additionalparam=-J-DproxyHost=${} -J-DproxyPort=${maven.proxy.port}