# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project Verifier # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- failed.download.warning=WARNING: Failed to download ${1}. remote.repository.disabled.warning=The use of the remote repository has been disabled. directory.nonexistant.warning=Directory ${1} does not exist. Attempting to create. not.directory.warning=${1} is not a directory. not.writable.warning=${1} is not writable. cannot.create.directory.warning=Unable to create directory ${1} maven.repo.local.unset.warning=maven.repo.local is not set. single.unsatisfied.dependency.error=The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependency: multiple.unsatisfied.dependency.error=The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependencies: offline.snapshot.warning=You are working offline so the build will continue, but ${1} may be out of date! download.message=- Attempting to download update.message=- Checking for an update of skip.download.message=Skipping download as local copy is up to date! satisfy.project.message=Trying to get missing dependencies (and updated snapshots) required by ${1}: plugin.loading.error=The plugin ${1} could not be loaded. empty.descriptor.error=The ${1} file you specified has zero length. checksum.verification.error=The follow artifact is corrupt: ${1}. not.existing.artifact.in.repo=Artifact ${1} doesn't exist in remote repository, but it exists locally. line=------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For org.apache.maven.cli.App build.failed=BUILD FAILED build.successful=BUILD SUCCESSFUL build.errors.stack=Errors stack : build.no.pom.found=WARNING: No pom file was found, assuming default settings! build.unknownGoalException=>> Goal '${1}' does not exist in this project. build.noSuchGoalException=>> A plugin has attempted to use a goal '${1}' that does not exist. build.noActionDefinitionException=>> Reference made to goal '${1}' which has no definition. # Important : 12 characters before ${1} build.jellyException.file=>> File...... ${1} build.jellyException.element=>> Element... ${1} build.jellyException.line=>> Line...... ${1} build.jellyException.column=>> Column.... ${1} build.internalError=INTERNAL ERROR build.final.memory=Final Memory : ${1} build.total.time=Total time : ${1} build.finished.time=Finished at : ${1} build.stacktrace=Exception stack traces : exception.cause=>>\u0020 displayBugReportHelp.line1=You have encountered an unknown error running Maven. displayBugReportHelp.line2=Please help us to correct this problem by following these simple steps: displayBugReportHelp.line3=- read the Maven FAQ at ${1} displayBugReportHelp.line4=- run the same command again with the '-e' parameter, eg 'maven -e jar' displayBugReportHelp.line5=- search the maven-user archives for the error at ${1} displayBugReportHelp.line6=- post the output of maven -e to JIRA at ${1} (you must sign up first) displayBugReportHelp.line7=- run 'maven --info' and post the output as the environment to the bug above displayProjectHelp.title=Project Goals displayInfo.info1=Installed plugins :\u0020 displayInfo.info2=Home Build properties :\u0020 displayInfo.error=Exception reading build.properties :\u0020 printConsoleMavenHeader.error=Unable to load driver properties :\u0020 displayGoals.title=Available [Plugins] / Goals displayGoals.title.pluginOnly.null=Available plugins displayGoals.title.pluginOnly.notNull=Goals in\u0020 displayGoals.defaultGoal=Default goal:\u0020 displayGoalsWithoutDescriptions.info=Undocumented goals :\u0020 formatTime.minutes=\u0020minutes\u0020 formatTime.seconds=\u0020seconds\u0020