The Maven team is pleased to announce the Beta 4 release! Maven is a Java project management and project comprehension tool. Maven is based on the concept of a project object model (POM) in that all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting a well defined model for your project. Builds, documentation, source metrics, and source cross-references are all controlled by your POM. Maven has many goals, but in a nutshell Maven aims to make the developer's life easier by providing a well defined project structure, well defined development processes to follow, and a coherent body of documentation that keeps your developers and clients apprised of what's happening with your project. Maven alleviates a lot of what most developers consider drudgery and lets them get on with the task at hand. This is essential in OSS projects where there aren't many people dedicated to the task of documenting and propagating the critical information about your project which is necessary in order to attract potential new developers and clients. Changes in this version include: o Configurable color scheme for the generated web site. By default, Maven uses its own color scheme for generated web sites; however, users now have the option of overriding some or all of the color selections. o Support for J2EE (tm) WAR and EAR files being generated as part of the build process. o WAR file validation has been added, such that a war is verified to be consistent with the web.xml it provides describing its contents o Extra reporting on project activity has been added. The reports include activity by file and developer. o Nag email address and package were added to the gump descriptor o The LICENSE.txt file is now added to JARs, WARs and EARs built with Maven o JUnit tests can be configured to display their output at the console, rather than placed into a file, for easier debugging. o Maven will now create a separate classpath for unit tests and integration unit tests o All properties used by maven are now prefixed with 'maven.' o The source code directories were restructured to allow easier development of plugins o Work on validating Struts 1.0 war files was started o Eclipse plugin for Maven started o Maven GUI started o POM updated to allow multiple and various SCMs o POM simplified to aid in the development of discrete components Maven is going strong! 15 developers, 114 unit tests, and a staggering amount of documentation!