----- Doxia Maven Plugin ----- Lukas Theussl ----- Introduction Doxia allows you to write books like user manuals and guides in any format supported by Doxia. Combined with the Doxia Book Maven you are able to include the manuals directly in your generated site with links to the off-line friendly formats like XDoc, PDF, RTF and LaTeX. * Goals Overview The Doxia Maven Plugin has one goal: * {{{render-books-mojo.html}doxia:render-books}} to create books in different output formats. * Usage First you need a simple book descriptor which is used to specify the layout of your book, i.e. the ordering of the sections and the names for the chapters. See {{{http://maven.apache.org/doxia/book/index.html}The Book Descriptor Reference}} for a reference to the descriptor. An example for configuring the Doxia Maven Plugin is found on the {{{./usage.html}usage}} page. * Examples An Xdoc output example which has been rendered into this site can be viewed {{{http://maven.apache.org/doxia/doxia-example-book/index.html}here}}.