assembly Assembly package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model Assembly Describes the assembly layout and packaging. 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 true String formats 1.0.0 true String * includeBaseDirectory boolean true includeSiteDirectory boolean false fileSets 1.0.0 FileSet * dependencySets 1.0.0 DependencySet * SetBase 1.0.0 outputDirectory 1.0.0 String includes 1.0.0 String * excludes 1.0.0 String * fileMode 1.0.0 String 0644 directoryMode 1.0.0 String 0755 FileSet 1.0.0 SetBase directory 1.0.0 String true lineEnding 1.0.0 String DependencySet 1.0.0 SetBase outputFileNameMapping 1.0.0 String ${artifactId}-${version}.${extension} unpack boolean false scope 1.0.0 String runtime true