build-lifecycle LifecycleBindings Model for lifecycle specifications starting in Maven 2.1 package org.apache.maven.lifecycle.model LifecycleBindings 1.0.0 Specifies phase bindings for clean, site, and default lifecycles. 1.0.0 packaging String true POM packaging to which this lifecycle specification applies. 1.0.0 cleanBinding new CleanBinding() The binding for the clean lifecycle CleanBinding 1.0.0 buildBinding new BuildBinding() The binding for the main build (default) lifecycle BuildBinding 1.0.0 siteBinding new SiteBinding() The binding for the site lifecycle SiteBinding 1.0.0 LifecycleBinding 1.0.0 Base-class for all lifecycle bindings. 1.0.0 CleanBinding LifecycleBinding 1.0.0 preClean 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase clean 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase postClean 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase 1.0.0 BuildBinding LifecycleBinding 1.0.0 validate 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase initialize 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase generateSources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase processSources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase generateResources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase processResources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase compile 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase processClasses 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase generateTestSources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase processTestSources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase generateTestResources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase processTestResources 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase testCompile 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase processTestClasses 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase test 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase preparePackage 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase createPackage 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase preIntegrationTest 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase integrationTest 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase postIntegrationTest 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase verify 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase install 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase deploy 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase 1.0.0 SiteBinding LifecycleBinding 1.0.0 preSite 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase site 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase postSite 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase siteDeploy 1.0.0 new Phase() Phase 1.0.0 Phase 1.0.0 Contains a series of mojo bindings for a given phase of a lifecycle. bindings 1.0.0 Collection of mojo bindings for a phase. MojoBinding * 1.0.0 MojoBinding 1.0.0 A binding of one mojo to one lifecycle phase, possibly including configuration. groupId true true 1.0.0 Plugin's groupId. String artifactId true true 1.0.0 Plugin's artifactId. String version true 1.0.0 Plugin's version. String goal true true 1.0.0 Mojo's goal name. String executionId 1.0.0 true default A name for this mojo binding, for purposes of merging configurations via inheritance, etc. String configuration 1.0.0 Mojo binding's configuration. DOM optional 1.0.0 Marks a mojo binding as optional (not required for execution of the lifecycle). boolean 1.0.0