BOOTSTRAPPING BASICS ----------------------- You'll need: - Java 1.5 - Ant 1.6.5 or later First, give Ant a location into which the completed Maven distro should be installed: export M2_HOME=$HOME/apps/maven/apache-maven-3.0-SNAPSHOT Then, run Ant: ant -f build-mercury.xml You can use additiona options on ant command line: -Dmaven.repo.update.policy={never|always|daily} -Dmaven.repo.system={mercury|legacy} -Dmaven.home=$HOME/apps/maven/apache-maven-3.0-SNAPSHOT if you'd like to debug the bootstrap from Eclipse, uncomment the debugging options in the build-mercury.xml around line 310, then use the following commands: For the first time - run the following, it will update the local repo ant -f build-mercury.xml -Dmaven.repo.update.policy=always -Dmaven.repo.system=mercury then you can run ant -f build-mercury.xml -Dmaven.repo.update.policy=never -Dmaven.repo.system=mercury not to bother with repo updates