Performs SOAP login using explicit login credentials Performs SOAP unified login Removes the SOAP session specified by the supplied token Generic method used to make changes and deletions in Meridio Generic method used to add a single object to Meridio Convenience method for deleting a single document, container or stored search Convenience method for deleting a single version of a document. Cancels deletion of one or more versions Cancels deletion of one or more documents Creates a copy of the specified document and returns the ID of the new copy. The new document has as its first version a copy of the latest version of the source document. Creates a copy of the specified document and returns the ID of the new copy. The new document has as its first version a copy of the latest version of the source document. Convenience method for discontinuing a single relationship Change Container parent Convenience method for adding a signature to a single version of a document. Convenience method for removing signature(s) of a version of a document. Convenience method for verifying signature(s) of a version of a document. Retrieves cachable static data Retrieves all categories accessible by the user identified with token authenticationToken Retrieves the keyword given by keywordId and all its immediate child keywords Convenience method for retrieving signatures of a version of a document. Retrieves the specified keyword and all its parent keywords above it in the keyword hierarchy, including the immediate children of each parent keyword. Retrieves either or both Master and Slave systems held in KOTHERSYSTEM table. Retrieves a system held in KOTHERSYSTEM table using its ID. Retrieves either or both User and Group placeholder accounts. Retrieves either a User or Group place holder account using the Guid specified. Retrieves current replication setup for the sepecified objects. Retrieves Retrieves current replication setup for sepecified slave. Returns top container of session user Retrieves data relating to specified container. Retrieves a page-worth of data relating to specified container. Retrieves fixed properties of each container in the supplied list. Retrieves the specified container and all its parent containers above it in the container hierarchy, including the specified data for each parent container. Retrieves the fixed properties of the document references in the specified container. Retrieves data relating to specified document Retrieves fixed properties of each document in the supplied list. Retrieves data relating to a specified document version Retrieves data relating to a specified rendition Retrieves data relating to a specified relationship Retrieves content of latest version of specified document Retrieves compressed content of latest version of specified document, using DIME. Retrieves UNC name of a copy of the latest version of the specified document Returns URL of HTML conversion of the latest version of the specified document Retrieves content of specific document version Triggers server-side retrieval side-effects without returning file content Retrieves compressed content of specific document version, using DIME. Retrieves UNC name of a copy of the specified document version Returns URL of HTML conversion of the specified document version Retrieves rendition content Retrieves compressed content of a rendition, using DIME. Retrieves UNC name of a copy of the specified rendition Retrieves URL of HTML conversion of the specified rendition Searches for documents in Meridio Searches for records in Meridio Searches for containers in Meridio Searches for folders in Meridio Searches for parts in Meridio Searches for users in Meridio Searches for groups in Meridio Retrieves data relating to a specified stored search Retrieves data relating to a specified user Retrieves data relating to a specified user Gets ID of session user and indicates user privileges Changes password for session user Retrieves data relating to a specified group. Retrieves all Enterprise Document Capture configuration settings. This method exists only to export enum types from DMWS. It should never be called by clients. Meridio Document Management Web Service.