<%@ include file="adminHeaders.jsp" %> <% /* $Id$ */ /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %> <% // The purpose of this jsp is to execute commands, and then dispatch to the right form or display page using // jsp:forward. // Note that, for errors, the logic must involve another step. That step involves dispatching to the error // page, and passing in the error and the name of the page to go to when the error is accepted by the user. // This page must therefore NEVER cause text to be streamed, and must ALWAYS pass information to the page // it forwards to using arguments and thread context only. // // The parameters that the page expects depend on the operation. The operation is passed as the parameter "op". // For many operations there is a secondary parameter determining the type of entity being operated on. // This is passed in the parameter "type". // // Dispatches are handled within the logic for each operation type. This includes dispatches to the error page. // The error page receives the following argument values: "text" (the error text), and "target" (the page to go to // on confirmation). // // If no operation at all is present, or if no dispatch occurs, then this code simply dispatches to the home admin page. try { // Make a few things we will need // Get the job manager handle IJobManager manager = JobManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IAuthorityGroupManager authGroupManager = AuthorityGroupManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IRepositoryConnectionManager connManager = RepositoryConnectionManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IAuthorityConnectionManager authConnManager = AuthorityConnectionManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IMappingConnectionManager mappingConnManager = MappingConnectionManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IOutputConnectionManager outputManager = OutputConnectionManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IOutputConnectorPool outputConnectorPool = OutputConnectorPoolFactory.make(threadContext); IRepositoryConnectorPool repositoryConnectorPool = RepositoryConnectorPoolFactory.make(threadContext); String type = variableContext.getParameter("type"); String op = variableContext.getParameter("op"); if (type != null && op != null && type.equals("connection")) { // -- Connection editing operations -- if (op.equals("Save") || op.equals("Continue")) { try { // Set up a connection object that is a merge of an existing connection object plus what was posted. IRepositoryConnection connection = null; boolean isNew = true; String x = variableContext.getParameter("isnewconnection"); if (x != null) isNew = x.equals("true"); String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); // If the connectionname is not null, load the connection description and prepopulate everything with what comes from it. if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0 && !isNew) { connection = connManager.load(connectionName); } if (connection == null) { connection = connManager.create(); if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0) connection.setName(connectionName); } // Fill in connection object from posted data connection.setIsNew(isNew); x = variableContext.getParameter("description"); if (x != null) connection.setDescription(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("classname"); if (x != null) connection.setClassName(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("authorityname"); if (x != null && x.length() > 0) { if (x.equals("_none_")) connection.setACLAuthority(null); else connection.setACLAuthority(x); } x = variableContext.getParameter("maxconnections"); if (x != null && x.length() > 0) connection.setMaxConnections(Integer.parseInt(x)); // Gather and save throttles x = variableContext.getParameter("throttlecount"); if (x != null) { int throttleCount = Integer.parseInt(x); connection.clearThrottleValues(); int j = 0; while (j < throttleCount) { String regexp = variableContext.getParameter("throttle_"+Integer.toString(j)); String desc = variableContext.getParameter("throttledesc_"+Integer.toString(j)); if (desc == null) desc = ""; String value = variableContext.getParameter("throttlevalue_"+Integer.toString(j)); connection.addThrottleValue(regexp,desc,(float)(((double)new Long(value).longValue())/(double)(60000.0))); j++; } x = variableContext.getParameter("throttleop"); if (x != null && x.equals("Delete")) { // Delete an item from the throttles list x = variableContext.getParameter("throttlenumber"); String regexp = variableContext.getParameter("throttle_"+x); connection.deleteThrottleValue(regexp); } else if (x != null && x.equals("Add")) { // Add an item to the throttles list String regexp = variableContext.getParameter("throttle"); String desc = variableContext.getParameter("throttledesc"); if (desc == null) desc = ""; Long value = new Long(variableContext.getParameter("throttlevalue")); connection.addThrottleValue(regexp,desc,(float)(((double)value.longValue())/(double)(60000.0))); } } String error = RepositoryConnectorFactory.processConfigurationPost(threadContext,connection.getClassName(),variableContext,pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),connection.getConfigParams()); if (error != null) { variableContext.setParameter("text",error); variableContext.setParameter("target","listconnections.jsp"); %> <% } if (op.equals("Continue")) { threadContext.save("ConnectionObject",connection); %> <% } else if (op.equals("Save")) { connManager.save(connection); variableContext.setParameter("connname",connectionName); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listconnections.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Delete")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); connManager.delete(connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listconnections.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Cancel")) { %> <% } else if (op.equals("ClearHistory")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); connManager.cleanUpHistoryData(connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listconnections.jsp"); %> <% } } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to connection execution page"); variableContext.setParameter("target","listconnections.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (type != null && op != null && type.equals("group")) { // -- Group editing operations -- if (op.equals("Save") || op.equals("Continue")) { try { // Set up a connection object that is a merge of an existing connection object plus what was posted. IAuthorityGroup group = null; boolean isNew = true; String x = variableContext.getParameter("isnewconnection"); if (x != null) isNew = x.equals("true"); String groupName = variableContext.getParameter("groupname"); // If the groupname is not null, load the group and prepopulate everything with what comes from it. if (groupName != null && groupName.length() > 0 && !isNew) { group = authGroupManager.load(groupName); } if (group == null) { group = authGroupManager.create(); if (groupName != null && groupName.length() > 0) group.setName(groupName); } // Gather all the data from the form. group.setIsNew(isNew); x = variableContext.getParameter("description"); if (x != null) group.setDescription(x); if (op.equals("Continue")) { threadContext.save("GroupObject",group); %> <% } else if (op.equals("Save")) { authGroupManager.save(group); variableContext.setParameter("groupname",groupName); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listgroups.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Delete")) { try { String groupName = variableContext.getParameter("groupname"); if (groupName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing group name parameter"); authGroupManager.delete(groupName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listgroups.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Cancel")) { %> <% } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to authority group execution page"); variableContext.setParameter("target","listgroups.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (type != null && op != null && type.equals("authority")) { // -- Authority editing operations -- if (op.equals("Save") || op.equals("Continue")) { try { // Set up a connection object that is a merge of an existing connection object plus what was posted. IAuthorityConnection connection = null; boolean isNew = true; String x = variableContext.getParameter("isnewconnection"); if (x != null) isNew = x.equals("true"); String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); // If the connectionname is not null, load the connection description and prepopulate everything with what comes from it. if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0 && !isNew) { connection = authConnManager.load(connectionName); } if (connection == null) { connection = authConnManager.create(); if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0) connection.setName(connectionName); } // Gather all the data from the form. connection.setIsNew(isNew); x = variableContext.getParameter("description"); if (x != null) connection.setDescription(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("classname"); if (x != null) connection.setClassName(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("maxconnections"); if (x != null) connection.setMaxConnections(Integer.parseInt(x)); x = variableContext.getParameter("prerequisites_present"); if (x != null && x.equals("true")) { String y = variableContext.getParameter("prerequisites"); if (y != null && y.length() == 0) y = null; connection.setPrerequisiteMapping(y); } x = variableContext.getParameter("authdomain"); if (x != null) connection.setAuthDomain(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("authoritygroup"); if (x != null) connection.setAuthGroup(x); String error = AuthorityConnectorFactory.processConfigurationPost(threadContext,connection.getClassName(),variableContext,pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),connection.getConfigParams()); if (error != null) { variableContext.setParameter("text",error); variableContext.setParameter("target","listauthorities.jsp"); %> <% } if (op.equals("Continue")) { threadContext.save("ConnectionObject",connection); %> <% } else if (op.equals("Save")) { authConnManager.save(connection); variableContext.setParameter("connname",connectionName); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listauthorities.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Delete")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); authConnManager.delete(connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listauthorities.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Cancel")) { %> <% } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to authority execution page"); variableContext.setParameter("target","listauthorities.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (type != null && op != null && type.equals("mapper")) { // -- Mapping editing operations -- if (op.equals("Save") || op.equals("Continue")) { try { // Set up a connection object that is a merge of an existing connection object plus what was posted. IMappingConnection connection = null; boolean isNew = true; String x = variableContext.getParameter("isnewconnection"); if (x != null) isNew = x.equals("true"); String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); // If the connectionname is not null, load the connection description and prepopulate everything with what comes from it. if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0 && !isNew) { connection = mappingConnManager.load(connectionName); } if (connection == null) { connection = mappingConnManager.create(); if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0) connection.setName(connectionName); } // Gather all the data from the form. connection.setIsNew(isNew); x = variableContext.getParameter("description"); if (x != null) connection.setDescription(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("classname"); if (x != null) connection.setClassName(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("maxconnections"); if (x != null && x.length() > 0) connection.setMaxConnections(Integer.parseInt(x)); x = variableContext.getParameter("prerequisites_present"); if (x != null && x.equals("true")) { String y = variableContext.getParameter("prerequisites"); if (y != null && y.length() == 0) y = null; connection.setPrerequisiteMapping(y); } String error = MappingConnectorFactory.processConfigurationPost(threadContext,connection.getClassName(),variableContext,pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),connection.getConfigParams()); if (error != null) { variableContext.setParameter("text",error); variableContext.setParameter("target","listmappers.jsp"); %> <% } if (op.equals("Continue")) { threadContext.save("ConnectionObject",connection); %> <% } else if (op.equals("Save")) { mappingConnManager.save(connection); variableContext.setParameter("connname",connectionName); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listmappers.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Delete")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); mappingConnManager.delete(connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listmappers.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Cancel")) { %> <% } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to mapping execution page"); variableContext.setParameter("target","listmappers.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (type != null && op != null && type.equals("output")) { // -- Output connection editing operations -- if (op.equals("Save") || op.equals("Continue")) { try { // Set up a connection object that is a merge of an existing connection object plus what was posted. IOutputConnection connection = null; boolean isNew = true; String x = variableContext.getParameter("isnewconnection"); if (x != null) isNew = x.equals("true"); String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); // If the connectionname is not null, load the connection description and prepopulate everything with what comes from it. if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0 && !isNew) { connection = outputManager.load(connectionName); } if (connection == null) { connection = outputManager.create(); if (connectionName != null && connectionName.length() > 0) connection.setName(connectionName); } // Gather all the data from the form. connection.setIsNew(isNew); x = variableContext.getParameter("description"); if (x != null) connection.setDescription(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("classname"); if (x != null) connection.setClassName(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("maxconnections"); if (x != null && x.length() > 0) connection.setMaxConnections(Integer.parseInt(x)); String error = OutputConnectorFactory.processConfigurationPost(threadContext,connection.getClassName(),variableContext,pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),connection.getConfigParams()); if (error != null) { variableContext.setParameter("text",error); variableContext.setParameter("target","listoutputs.jsp"); %> <% } if (op.equals("Continue")) { threadContext.save("ConnectionObject",connection); %> <% } else if (op.equals("Save")) { outputManager.save(connection); variableContext.setParameter("connname",connectionName); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listoutputs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Delete")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); outputManager.delete(connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listoutputs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Cancel")) { %> <% } else if (op.equals("ReingestAll")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); org.apache.manifoldcf.agents.system.ManifoldCF.signalOutputConnectionRedo(threadContext,connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listoutputs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("RemoveAll")) { try { String connectionName = variableContext.getParameter("connname"); if (connectionName == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing connection parameter"); org.apache.manifoldcf.agents.system.ManifoldCF.signalOutputConnectionRemoved(threadContext,connectionName); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listoutputs.jsp"); %> <% } } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to output connection execution page"); variableContext.setParameter("target","listoutputs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (type != null && op != null && type.equals("job")) { // -- Job editing operations -- if (op.equals("Save") || op.equals("Continue")) { try { String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); IJobDescription job = null; if (jobID != null) { job = manager.load(new Long(jobID)); } if (job == null) job = manager.createJob(); // Figure out what got posted. String x = variableContext.getParameter("connectionpresent"); boolean connectionPresent = (x != null && x.equals("true")); x = variableContext.getParameter("outputpresent"); boolean outputPresent = (x != null && x.equals("true")); // Gather the rest of the data. x = variableContext.getParameter("description"); if (x != null) job.setDescription(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("outputname"); if (x != null) job.setOutputConnectionName(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("connectionname"); if (x != null) job.setConnectionName(x); x = variableContext.getParameter("scheduletype"); if (x != null) job.setType(Integer.parseInt(x)); x = variableContext.getParameter("startmethod"); if (x != null) job.setStartMethod(Integer.parseInt(x)); x = variableContext.getParameter("hopcountmode"); if (x != null) job.setHopcountMode(Integer.parseInt(x)); x = variableContext.getParameter("schedulerecords"); String[] y; if (x != null) { // Read records and put them into the job description job.clearScheduleRecords(); int recordCount = Integer.parseInt(x); int j = 0; while (j < recordCount) { String indexValue = Integer.toString(j); EnumeratedValues srDayOfWeek = null; EnumeratedValues srDayOfMonth = null; EnumeratedValues srMonthOfYear = null; EnumeratedValues srYear = null; EnumeratedValues srHourOfDay = null; EnumeratedValues srMinutesOfHour = null; Long srDuration = null; boolean srRequestMinimum = false; y = variableContext.getParameterValues("dayofweek"+indexValue); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srDayOfWeek = null; else srDayOfWeek = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("dayofmonth"+indexValue); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srDayOfMonth = null; else srDayOfMonth = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("monthofyear"+indexValue); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srMonthOfYear = null; else srMonthOfYear = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("year"+indexValue); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srYear = null; else srYear = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("hourofday"+indexValue); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srHourOfDay = null; else srHourOfDay = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("minutesofhour"+indexValue); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srMinutesOfHour = null; else srMinutesOfHour = new EnumeratedValues(y); } x = variableContext.getParameter("duration"+indexValue); if (x != null) { if (x.length() == 0) srDuration = null; else srDuration = new Long(new Long(x).longValue()*60000L); } x = variableContext.getParameter("invocation"+indexValue); if (x != null) { srRequestMinimum = x.equals("minimal"); } x = variableContext.getParameter("recordop"+j); if (x == null || !x.equals("Remove Schedule")) { ScheduleRecord sr = new ScheduleRecord(srDayOfWeek,srMonthOfYear,srDayOfMonth,srYear,srHourOfDay,srMinutesOfHour, null,srDuration,srRequestMinimum); job.addScheduleRecord(sr); } j++; } } // Check for operation that adds to schedule x = variableContext.getParameter("recordop"); if (x != null && x.equals("Add Scheduled Time")) { EnumeratedValues srDayOfWeek = null; EnumeratedValues srDayOfMonth = null; EnumeratedValues srMonthOfYear = null; EnumeratedValues srYear = null; EnumeratedValues srHourOfDay = null; EnumeratedValues srMinutesOfHour = null; Long srDuration = null; boolean srRequestMinimum = false; y = variableContext.getParameterValues("dayofweek"); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srDayOfWeek = null; else srDayOfWeek = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("dayofmonth"); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srDayOfMonth = null; else srDayOfMonth = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("monthofyear"); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srMonthOfYear = null; else srMonthOfYear = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("year"); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srYear = null; else srYear = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("hourofday"); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srHourOfDay = null; else srHourOfDay = new EnumeratedValues(y); } y = variableContext.getParameterValues("minutesofhour"); if (y != null) { if (y.length >= 1 && y[0].equals("none")) srMinutesOfHour = null; else srMinutesOfHour = new EnumeratedValues(y); } x = variableContext.getParameter("duration"); if (x != null) { if (x.length() == 0) srDuration = null; else srDuration = new Long(new Long(x).longValue() * 60000L); } x = variableContext.getParameter("invocation"); if (x != null) { srRequestMinimum = x.equals("minimal"); } ScheduleRecord sr = new ScheduleRecord(srDayOfWeek,srMonthOfYear,srDayOfMonth,srYear,srHourOfDay,srMinutesOfHour, null,srDuration,srRequestMinimum); job.addScheduleRecord(sr); } // Handle forced metadata x = variableContext.getParameter("forcedmetadata_count"); if (x != null) { job.clearForcedMetadata(); int count = Integer.parseInt(x); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { String prefix = "forcedmetadata_"+k; x = variableContext.getParameter(prefix+"_op"); if (x == null || !x.equals("Delete")) { String paramName = variableContext.getParameter(prefix+"_name"); String paramValue = variableContext.getParameter(prefix+"_value"); if (paramValue == null) paramValue = ""; job.addForcedMetadataValue(paramName,paramValue); } } x = variableContext.getParameter("forcedmetadata_op"); if (x != null && x.equals("Add")) { String paramName = variableContext.getParameter("forcedmetadata_name"); String paramValue = variableContext.getParameter("forcedmetadata_value"); if (paramValue == null) paramValue = ""; job.addForcedMetadataValue(paramName,paramValue); } } x = variableContext.getParameter("priority"); if (x != null) job.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(x)); x = variableContext.getParameter("recrawlinterval"); if (x != null) { if (x.length() == 0) job.setInterval(null); else job.setInterval(new Long(new Long(x).longValue() * 60000L)); } x = variableContext.getParameter("maxrecrawlinterval"); if (x != null) { if (x.length() == 0) job.setMaxInterval(null); else job.setMaxInterval(new Long(new Long(x).longValue() * 60000L)); } x = variableContext.getParameter("reseedinterval"); if (x != null) { if (x.length() == 0) job.setReseedInterval(null); else job.setReseedInterval(new Long(new Long(x).longValue() * 60000L)); } x = variableContext.getParameter("expirationinterval"); if (x != null) { if (x.length() == 0) job.setExpiration(null); else job.setExpiration(new Long(new Long(x).longValue() * 60000L)); } IRepositoryConnection connection = null; if (job.getConnectionName() != null && job.getConnectionName().length() > 0) connection = connManager.load(job.getConnectionName()); IOutputConnection outputConnection = null; if (job.getOutputConnectionName() != null && job.getOutputConnectionName().length() > 0) outputConnection = outputManager.load(job.getOutputConnectionName()); if (connection != null) { String[] relationshipTypes = RepositoryConnectorFactory.getRelationshipTypes(threadContext,connection.getClassName()); // Gather hopcount filters x = variableContext.getParameter("hopfilters"); if (x != null && relationshipTypes != null) { job.clearHopCountFilters(); int j = 0; while (j < relationshipTypes.length) { String relationshipType = relationshipTypes[j++]; x = variableContext.getParameter("hopmax_"+relationshipType); if (x != null && x.length() > 0) { job.addHopCountFilter(relationshipType,new Long(x)); } } } } if (outputPresent && outputConnection != null) { IOutputConnector outputConnector = outputConnectorPool.grab(outputConnection); if (outputConnector != null) { try { String error = outputConnector.processSpecificationPost(variableContext,pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),job.getOutputSpecification()); if (error != null) { variableContext.setParameter("text",error); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } } finally { outputConnectorPool.release(outputConnection,outputConnector); } } } if (connectionPresent && connection != null) { IRepositoryConnector repositoryConnector = repositoryConnectorPool.grab(connection); if (repositoryConnector != null) { try { String error = repositoryConnector.processSpecificationPost(variableContext,pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),job.getSpecification()); if (error != null) { variableContext.setParameter("text",error); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } } finally { repositoryConnectorPool.release(connection,repositoryConnector); } } } if (op.equals("Continue")) { threadContext.save("JobObject",job); %> <% } else if (op.equals("Save")) { manager.save(job); // Reset the job schedule. We may want to make this explicit at some point; having // this happen all the time seems wrong. manager.resetJobSchedule(job.getID()); variableContext.setParameter("jobid",job.getID().toString()); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("StartOver")) { try { String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); if (jobID == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing job parameter"); manager.clearJobSeedingState(new Long(jobID)); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Delete")) { try { String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); if (jobID == null) throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing job parameter"); manager.deleteJob(new Long(jobID)); %> <% } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op.equals("Cancel")) { // Cancel operation %> <% } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to job definition execution page: "+op); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (type != null && op != null && (type.equals("simplereport") || type.equals("maxactivityreport") || type.equals("maxbandwidthreport") || type.equals("resultreport") || type.equals("documentstatus") || type.equals("queuestatus"))) { // -- Report handling operations -- if (op.equals("Continue") || op.equals("Report") || op.equals("Status")) { %> <% } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to report/status execution page: "+op); variableContext.setParameter("target","index.jsp"); %> <% } } else if (op != null && type != null && type.equals("jobstatus")) { if (op.equals("Start") || op.equals("StartMinimal")) { // -- Start a job -- String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); manager.manualStart(new Long(jobID),op.equals("StartMinimal")); // Forward to showjobstatus %> <% } else if (op.equals("Pause")) { // -- Pause a job -- String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); manager.pauseJob(new Long(jobID)); // Forward to showjobstatus %> <% } else if (op.equals("Abort")) { // -- Abort a job -- String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); manager.manualAbort(new Long(jobID)); // Forward to showjobstatus %> <% } else if (op.equals("Restart") || op.equals("RestartMinimal")) { // -- Restart a job -- String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); manager.manualAbortRestart(new Long(jobID),op.equals("RestartMinimal")); // Forward to showjobstatus %> <% } else if (op.equals("Resume")) { // -- Resume a job -- String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); manager.restartJob(new Long(jobID)); // Forward to showjobstatus %> <% } else { // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to jobstatus execution page: "+op); variableContext.setParameter("target","index.jsp"); %> <% } } else { /* // If we didn't have an op, then we transfer control back to where the page said to. String target = variableContext.getParameter("target"); if (target != null) { } */ // Error variableContext.setParameter("text","Illegal parameter to page"); variableContext.setParameter("target","index.jsp"); %> <% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","index.jsp"); %> <% } %>