<%@ include file="adminHeaders.jsp" %> <% /* $Id$ */ /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %> <%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.ApacheManifoldCFViewJob")%>


<% try { // Get the job manager handle IJobManager manager = JobManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IOutputConnectionManager outputManager = OutputConnectionManagerFactory.make(threadContext); IRepositoryConnectionManager connManager = RepositoryConnectionManagerFactory.make(threadContext); String jobID = variableContext.getParameter("jobid"); IJobDescription job = manager.load(new Long(jobID)); if (job == null) { throw new ManifoldCFException("No such job: "+jobID); } else { String jobType = ""; String intervalString = "Not applicable"; String reseedIntervalString = "Not applicable"; String expirationIntervalString = "Not applicable"; switch (job.getType()) { case IJobDescription.TYPE_CONTINUOUS: jobType = "Rescan documents dynamically"; Long recrawlInterval = job.getInterval(); Long reseedInterval = job.getReseedInterval(); Long expirationInterval = job.getExpiration(); intervalString = (recrawlInterval==null)?"Infinity":(new Long(recrawlInterval.longValue()/60000L).toString()+" minutes"); reseedIntervalString = (reseedInterval==null)?"Infinity":(new Long(reseedInterval.longValue()/60000L).toString()+" minutes"); expirationIntervalString = (expirationInterval==null)?"Infinity":(new Long(expirationInterval.longValue()/60000L).toString()+" minutes"); break; case IJobDescription.TYPE_SPECIFIED: jobType = "Scan every document once"; break; default: } String startMethod = ""; switch (job.getStartMethod()) { case IJobDescription.START_WINDOWBEGIN: startMethod = "Start at beginning of schedule window"; break; case IJobDescription.START_WINDOWINSIDE: startMethod = "Start inside schedule window"; break; case IJobDescription.START_DISABLE: startMethod = "Don't automatically start"; break; default: break; } int priority = job.getPriority(); IRepositoryConnection connection = connManager.load(job.getConnectionName()); IOutputConnection outputConnection = outputManager.load(job.getOutputConnectionName()); int model = RepositoryConnectorFactory.getConnectorModel(threadContext,connection.getClassName()); String[] relationshipTypes = RepositoryConnectorFactory.getRelationshipTypes(threadContext,connection.getClassName()); Map hopCountFilters = job.getHopCountFilters(); int hopcountMode = job.getHopcountMode(); //threadContext.save("OutputSpecification",job.getOutputSpecification()); //threadContext.save("OutputConnection",outputConnection); //threadContext.save("DocumentSpecification",job.getSpecification()); //threadContext.save("RepositoryConnection",connection); %> <% if (model != -1 && model != IRepositoryConnector.MODEL_ADD_CHANGE_DELETE) { %> <% } %> <% if (job.getScheduleRecordCount() == 0) { %> <% } else { // Loop through the schedule records int j = 0; while (j < job.getScheduleRecordCount()) { ScheduleRecord sr = job.getScheduleRecord(j); Long srDuration = sr.getDuration(); EnumeratedValues srDayOfWeek = sr.getDayOfWeek(); EnumeratedValues srMonthOfYear = sr.getMonthOfYear(); EnumeratedValues srDayOfMonth = sr.getDayOfMonth(); EnumeratedValues srYear = sr.getYear(); EnumeratedValues srHourOfDay = sr.getHourOfDay(); EnumeratedValues srMinutesOfHour = sr.getMinutesOfHour(); if (j > 0) { %> <% } %> <% j++; } } if (relationshipTypes != null && relationshipTypes.length > 0) { %> <% int k = 0; while (k < relationshipTypes.length) { String relationshipType = relationshipTypes[k++]; Long value = (Long)hopCountFilters.get(relationshipType); %> <% } %> <% } %>


<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.OutputConnectionColon")%> <%=org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(job.getOutputConnectionName())%> <%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.RepositoryConnectionColon")%> <%=org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(job.getConnectionName())%>

<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.PriorityColon")%><%=priority%> <%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.StartMethodColon")%><%=startMethod%>

<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.ScheduleTypeColon")%><%=jobType%> <%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.MinimumRecrawlIntervalColon")%><%=intervalString%>
<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.ExpirationIntervalColon")%><%=expirationIntervalString%> <%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.ReseedIntervalColon")%><%=reseedIntervalString%>


<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.ScheduledTimeColon")%> <% if (srDayOfWeek == null) out.println("Any day of week"); else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean firstTime = true; if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(0)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Sundays"); } if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(1)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Mondays"); } if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(2)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Tuesdays"); } if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(3)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Wednesdays"); } if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(4)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Thursdays"); } if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(5)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Fridays"); } if (srDayOfWeek.checkValue(6)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("Saturdays"); } out.println(sb.toString()); } %> <% if (srHourOfDay == null) { if (srMinutesOfHour != null) out.println(" on every hour "); else out.println(" at midnight "); } else { out.println(" at "); int k = 0; while (k < 24) { int q = k; String ampm; if (k < 12) ampm = "am"; else { ampm = "pm"; q -= 12; } String hour; if (q == 0) q = 12; if (srHourOfDay.checkValue(k)) out.println(Integer.toString(q)+" "+ampm+" "); k++; } } %> <% if (srMinutesOfHour != null) { out.println(" plus "); int k = 0; while (k < 60) { if (srMinutesOfHour.checkValue(k)) out.println(Integer.toString(k)+" "); k++; } out.println(" minutes"); } %> <% if (srMonthOfYear == null) { if (srDayOfMonth == null && srDayOfWeek == null && srHourOfDay == null && srMinutesOfHour == null) out.println(" in January"); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" in "); boolean firstTime = true; if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(0)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("January"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(1)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("February"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(2)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("March"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(3)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("April"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(4)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("May"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(5)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("June"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(6)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("July"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(7)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("August"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(8)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("September"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(9)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("October"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(10)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("November"); } if (srMonthOfYear.checkValue(11)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append("December"); } out.println(sb.toString()); } %> <% if (srDayOfMonth == null) { if (srDayOfWeek == null && srHourOfDay == null && srMinutesOfHour == null) out.println(" on the 1st of the month"); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" on the "); int k = 0; boolean firstTime = true; while (k < 31) { if (srDayOfMonth.checkValue(k)) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(Integer.toString(k+1)); int value = (k+1) % 10; if (value == 1 && k != 10) sb.append("st"); else if (value == 2 && k != 11) sb.append("nd"); else if (value == 3 && k != 12) sb.append("rd"); else sb.append("th"); } k++; } sb.append(" of the month"); out.println(sb.toString()); } %> <% if (srYear != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" in year(s) "); Iterator iter = srYear.getValues(); boolean firstTime = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { if (firstTime) firstTime = false; else sb.append(","); Integer value = (Integer)iter.next(); sb.append(value.toString()); } out.println(sb.toString()); } %>
<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.MaximumRunTimeColon")%> <% if (srDuration == null) out.println("No limit"); else out.println(new Long(srDuration.longValue()/60000L).toString() + " minutes"); %>

<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.MaximumHopCountForLinkType")%> '<%=org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.util.Encoder.bodyEscape(relationshipType)%>': <%=((value==null)?"Unlimited":value.toString())%>

<%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.HopCountModeColon")%> <%=(hopcountMode==IJobDescription.HOPCOUNT_ACCURATE)?"Delete unreachable documents":""%><%=(hopcountMode==IJobDescription.HOPCOUNT_NODELETE)?"No deletes, for now":""%><%=(hopcountMode==IJobDescription.HOPCOUNT_NEVERDELETE)?"No deletes, forever":""%>

<% if (outputConnection != null) { IOutputConnector outputConnector = OutputConnectorFactory.grab(threadContext,outputConnection.getClassName(),outputConnection.getConfigParams(), outputConnection.getMaxConnections()); if (outputConnector != null) { try { outputConnector.viewSpecification(new org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.jsp.JspWrapper(out),pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),job.getOutputSpecification()); } finally { OutputConnectorFactory.release(outputConnector); } } } %>

<% if (connection != null) { IRepositoryConnector repositoryConnector = RepositoryConnectorFactory.grab(threadContext,connection.getClassName(),connection.getConfigParams(), connection.getMaxConnections()); if (repositoryConnector != null) { try { repositoryConnector.viewSpecification(new org.apache.manifoldcf.ui.jsp.JspWrapper(out),pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),job.getSpecification()); } finally { RepositoryConnectorFactory.release(repositoryConnector); } } } %>

"><%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.Edit")%>  "><%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.Delete")%> "><%=Messages.getString(pageContext.getRequest().getLocale(),"viewjob.Copy")%>
<% } } catch (ManifoldCFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); variableContext.setParameter("text",e.getMessage()); variableContext.setParameter("target","listjobs.jsp"); %> <% } %>