Naive Bayes commandline documentation


This quick start page describes how to run the naive bayesian and complementary naive bayesian classification algorithms on a Hadoop cluster.


Testing it on one single machine w/o cluster

In the examples directory type:

mvn -q exec:java

mvn -q exec:java

Running it on the cluster

  • In $MAHOUT_HOME/, build the jar containing the job (mvn install) The job will be generated in $MAHOUT_HOME/core/target/ and it’s name will contain the Mahout version number. For example, when using Mahout 0.1 release, the job will be mahout-core-0.1.jar

  • (Optional) 1 Start up Hadoop: $HADOOP_HOME/bin/

  • Put the data: $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -put testdata

  • Run the Job: $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar

    $MAHOUT_HOME/core/target/mahout-core-.job org.apache.mahout.classifier.bayes.mapreduce.bayes.BayesDriver

  • Get the data out of HDFS and have a look. Use bin/hadoop fs -lsr output to view all outputs.

Command line options

BayesDriver, BayesThetaNormalizerDriver, CBayesNormalizedWeightDriver, CBayesDriver, CBayesThetaDriver, CBayesThetaNormalizerDriver, BayesWeightSummerDriver, BayesFeatureDriver, BayesTfIdfDriver Usage:
    [--input <input> --output <output> --help]

  --input (-i) input	  The Path for input Vectors. Must be a SequenceFile of Writable, Vector.
  --output (-o) output	  The directory pathname for output points.
  --help (-h)		  Print out help.