# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os, sys, platform, shutil, _jcc from cpp import PRIMITIVES, INDENT, HALF_INDENT from cpp import cppname, cppnames, typename from cpp import line, signature, find_method, split_pkg, sort from cpp import Modifier, Class, Method from _jcc import findClass from config import INCLUDES, CFLAGS, DEBUG_CFLAGS, LFLAGS, SHARED try: from cpp import ParameterizedType, TypeVariable except ImportError: pass python_ver = '%d.%d.%d' %(sys.version_info[0:3]) if python_ver < '2.4': from sets import Set as set RESULTS = { 'boolean': 'Py_RETURN_BOOL(%s);', 'byte': 'return PyInt_FromLong(%s);', 'char': 'return PyUnicode_FromUnicode((Py_UNICODE *) &%s, 1);', 'double': 'return PyFloat_FromDouble((double) %s);', 'float': 'return PyFloat_FromDouble((double) %s);', 'int': 'return PyInt_FromLong((long) %s);', 'long': 'return PyLong_FromLongLong((PY_LONG_LONG) %s);', 'short': 'return PyInt_FromLong((long) %s);', 'java.lang.String': 'return j2p(%s);' } CALLARGS = { 'boolean': ('O', '(%s ? Py_True : Py_False)', False), 'byte': ('O', 'PyInt_FromLong(%s)', True), 'char': ('O', 'PyUnicode_FromUnicode((Py_UNICODE *) &%s, 1)', True), 'double': ('d', '(double) %s', False), 'float': ('f', '(float) %s', False), 'int': ('i', '(int) %s', False), 'long': ('L', '(long long) %s', False), 'short': ('i', '(int) %s', False), 'java.lang.String': ('O', 'env->fromJString((jstring) %s, 0)', True) } def parseArgs(params, current, generics): def signature(cls): array = '' while cls.isArray(): array += '[' cls = cls.getComponentType() clsName = cls.getName() if cls.isPrimitive(): return array + PRIMITIVES[clsName] if clsName == 'java.lang.String': return array + 's' if clsName == 'java.lang.Object': return array + 'o' if generics and cls.getTypeParameters(): return array + 'K' else: return array + 'k' def checkarg(cls): while cls.isArray(): cls = cls.getComponentType() if (cls.isPrimitive() or cls.getName() in ('java.lang.String', 'java.lang.Object')): return '' return ', %s::initializeClass' %(typename(cls, current, False)) def callarg(cls, i): if generics: while cls.isArray(): cls = cls.getComponentType() if cls.getTypeParameters(): ns, sep, n = rpartition(typename(cls, current, False), '::') return ', &a%d, &p%d, %s%st_%s::parameters_' %(i, i, ns, sep, n) return ', &a%d' %(i) return (''.join([signature(param) for param in params]), ''.join([checkarg(param) for param in params]), ''.join([callarg(params[i], i) for i in xrange(len(params))])) def declareVars(out, indent, params, current, generics, typeParams): for i in xrange(len(params)): param = params[i] line(out, indent, '%s a%d%s;', typename(param, current, False), i, not param.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') if generics: while param.isArray(): param = param.getComponentType() if param.getTypeParameters(): line(out, indent, 'PyTypeObject **p%d;', i) typeParams.add(i) def construct(out, indent, cls, inCase, constructor, names, generics): if inCase: line(out, indent, '{') indent += 1 params = constructor.getParameterTypes() if generics: typeParams = set() else: typeParams = None count = len(params) declareVars(out, indent, params, cls, generics, typeParams) line(out, indent, '%s object((jobject) NULL);', cppname(names[-1])) line(out) if count: line(out, indent, 'if (!parseArgs(args, "%s"%s%s))', *parseArgs(params, cls, generics)) line(out, indent, '{') indent += 1 line(out, indent, 'INT_CALL(object = %s(%s));', cppname(names[-1]), ', '.join(['a%d' %(i) for i in xrange(count)])) line(out, indent, 'self->object = object;') if inCase: line(out, indent, 'break;') if count: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') if inCase: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') def rpartition(string, sep): if python_ver >= '2.5.0': return string.rpartition(sep) else: parts = split_pkg(string, sep) if len(parts) == 1: return ('', '', parts[0]) return (parts[0], sep, parts[1]) def fieldValue(cls, value, fieldType): if fieldType.isArray(): fieldType = fieldType.getComponentType() if fieldType.isArray(): result = 'JArray(%s->this$).wrap(NULL)' elif fieldType.isPrimitive(): result = '%s->wrap()' elif fieldType.getName() == 'java.lang.String': result = 'JArray(%s->this$).wrap()' else: parts = rpartition(typename(fieldType, cls, False), '::') result = 'JArray(%%s->this$).wrap(%s%st_%s::wrap_jobject)' %(parts) elif fieldType.getName() == 'java.lang.String': result = 'j2p(*%s)' elif not fieldType.isPrimitive(): parts = rpartition(typename(fieldType, cls, False), '::') result = '%s%st_%s::wrap_Object(*%%s)' %(parts) else: return value return result %(value) def returnValue(cls, returnType, value, genericRT=None, typeParams=None): result = RESULTS.get(returnType.getName()) if result: return result %(value) if returnType.isArray(): returnType = returnType.getComponentType() depth = 1 while returnType.isArray(): returnType = returnType.getComponentType() depth += 1 if depth > 1: return 'return JArray(%s.this$).wrap(NULL);' %(value) elif returnType.isPrimitive(): return 'return %s.wrap();' %(value) elif returnType.getName() == 'java.lang.String': return 'return JArray(%s.this$).wrap();' %(value) ns, sep, n = rpartition(typename(returnType, cls, False), '::') return 'return JArray(%s.this$).wrap(%s%st_%s::wrap_jobject);' %(value, ns, sep, n) ns, sep, n = rpartition(typename(returnType, cls, False), '::') if genericRT is not None: if ParameterizedType.instance_(genericRT): genericRT = ParameterizedType.cast_(genericRT) clsArgs = [] for clsArg in genericRT.getActualTypeArguments(): if Class.instance_(clsArg): clsNames = Class.cast_(clsArg).getName().split('.') clsArg = '&%s::%s$$Type' %('::'.join(cppnames(clsNames[:-1])), cppname(clsNames[-1])) clsArgs.append(clsArg) elif TypeVariable.instance_(clsArg): gd = TypeVariable.cast_(clsArg).getGenericDeclaration() if Class.instance_(gd): i = 0 for clsParam in gd.getTypeParameters(): if clsArg == clsParam: clsArgs.append('self->parameters[%d]' %(i)) break i += 1 else: break else: break else: break else: return 'return %s%st_%s::wrap_Object(%s, %s);' %(ns, sep, n, value, ', '.join(clsArgs)) elif TypeVariable.instance_(genericRT): gd = TypeVariable.cast_(genericRT).getGenericDeclaration() i = 0 if Class.instance_(gd): for clsParam in gd.getTypeParameters(): if genericRT == clsParam: return 'return self->parameters[%d] != NULL ? wrapType(self->parameters[%d], %s.this$) : %s%st_%s::wrap_Object(%s);' %(i, i, value, ns, sep, n, value) i += 1 elif Method.instance_(gd): for clsParam in gd.getTypeParameters(): if genericRT == clsParam and i in typeParams: return 'return p%d != NULL && p%d[0] != NULL ? wrapType(p%d[0], %s.this$) : %s%st_%s::wrap_Object(%s);' %(i, i, i, value, ns, sep, n, value) i += 1 return 'return %s%st_%s::wrap_Object(%s);' %(ns, sep, n, value) def call(out, indent, cls, inCase, method, names, cardinality, isExtension, generics): if inCase: line(out, indent, '{') indent += 1 name = method.getName() modifiers = method.getModifiers() params = method.getParameterTypes() returnType = method.getReturnType() if generics: genericRT = method.getGenericReturnType() typeParams = set() else: genericRT = None typeParams = None count = len(params) declareVars(out, indent, params, cls, generics, typeParams) returnName = returnType.getName() if returnName != 'void': line(out, indent, '%s result%s;', typename(returnType, cls, False), not returnType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') result = 'result = ' else: result = '' if cardinality and (count or not inCase): s = cardinality > 1 and 's' or '' line(out) if isExtension and name == 'clone' and Modifier.isNative(modifiers): line(out, indent, 'if (arg)') else: line(out, indent, 'if (!parseArg%s(arg%s, "%s"%s%s))', s, s, *parseArgs(params, cls, generics)) line(out, indent, '{') indent += 1 name = cppname(name) if Modifier.isStatic(modifiers): line(out, indent, 'OBJ_CALL(%s%s::%s(%s));', result, '::'.join(cppnames(names)), name, ', '.join(['a%d' %(i) for i in xrange(count)])) else: line(out, indent, 'OBJ_CALL(%sself->object.%s(%s));', result, name, ', '.join(['a%d' %(i) for i in xrange(count)])) if isExtension and name == 'clone' and Modifier.isNative(modifiers): line(out) line(out, indent, '%s object(result.this$);', typename(cls, cls, False)) line(out, indent, 'if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg, &FinalizerProxy$$Type) &&') line(out, indent, ' PyObject_TypeCheck(((t_fp *) arg)->object, self->ob_type))') line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'PyObject *_arg = ((t_fp *) arg)->object;') line(out, indent + 1, '((t_JObject *) _arg)->object = object;') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_INCREF(_arg);') line(out, indent + 1, 'object.pythonExtension((jlong) (Py_intptr_t) (void *) _arg);') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_INCREF(arg);') line(out, indent + 1, 'return arg;') line(out, indent, '}') line(out, indent, 'return PyErr_SetArgsError("%s", arg);' %(name)) elif returnName != 'void': line(out, indent, returnValue(cls, returnType, 'result', genericRT, typeParams)) else: line(out, indent, 'Py_RETURN_NONE;') if cardinality and (count or not inCase): indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') if inCase: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') def methodargs(methods, superMethods): if len(methods) == 1 and methods[0].getName() not in superMethods: count = len(methods[0].getParameterTypes()) if count == 0: return '', '', 0 elif count == 1: return ', PyObject *arg', ', arg', 1 return ', PyObject *args', ', args', 2 def jniname(cls): if cls.isPrimitive(): name = cls.getName() if name != 'void': name = 'j' + name else: name = 'jobject' return name def jniargs(params): count = len(params) decls = ', '.join(['%s a%d' %(jniname(params[i]), i) for i in xrange(count)]) if decls: return ', ' + decls return '' def extension(env, out, indent, cls, names, name, count, method, generics): line(out, indent, 'jlong ptr = jenv->CallLongMethod(jobj, %s::mids$[%s::mid_pythonExtension_%s]);', cppname(names[-1]), cppname(names[-1]), env.strhash('()J')) line(out, indent, 'PyObject *obj = (PyObject *) (Py_intptr_t) ptr;') if name == 'pythonDecRef': line(out) line(out, indent, 'if (obj != NULL)') line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'jenv->CallVoidMethod(jobj, %s::mids$[%s::mid_pythonExtension_%s], (jlong) 0);', cppname(names[-1]), cppname(names[-1]), env.strhash('(J)V')) line(out, indent + 1, 'env->finalizeObject(jenv, obj);') line(out, indent, '}') return line(out, indent, 'PythonGIL gil(jenv);') returnType = method.getReturnType() returnName = returnType.getName() if returnName != 'void': line(out, indent, '%s value%s;', typename(returnType, cls, False), not returnType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') sigs = [] decrefs = [] args = [] i = 0 for param in method.getParameterTypes(): typeName = param.getName() if typeName in CALLARGS: sig, code, decref = CALLARGS[typeName] elif param.isArray(): param = param.getComponentType() if param.isPrimitive(): code = 'JArray(%%s).wrap()' %(param.getName()) elif param.isArray(): code = 'JArray(%s).wrap(NULL)' elif param.getName() == 'java.lang.String': code = 'JArray(%s).wrap()' else: parts = rpartition(typename(param, cls, False), '::') code = 'JArray(%%s).wrap(%s%st_%s::wrap_jobject)' %(parts) sig, decref = 'O', True elif param.getName() == 'java.lang.String': sig, code, decref = 'O', 'j2p(%%s))', True else: parts = rpartition(typename(param, cls, False), '::') sig, code, decref = 'O', '%s%st_%s::wrap_Object(%s%s%s(%%s))' %(parts*2), True if sig == 'O': line(out, indent, 'PyObject *o%d = %s;', i, code %('a%d' %(i))) args.append('o%d' %(i)) else: args.append(code %('a%d' %(i))) sigs.append(sig) decrefs.append(decref) i += 1 args = ', '.join(args) if args: args = ', ' + args line(out, indent, 'PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(obj, "%s", "%s"%s);', name, ''.join(sigs), args) i = 0 for decref in decrefs: if decref: line(out, indent, 'Py_DECREF(o%d);', i) i += 1 line(out, indent, 'if (!result)') line(out, indent + 1, 'throwPythonError();') if returnName == 'void': line(out, indent, 'else') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_DECREF(result);') else: signature, check, x = parseArgs([returnType], cls, False) line(out, indent, 'else if (parseArg(result, "%s"%s, &value))', signature, check) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'throwTypeError("%s", result);', name) line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_DECREF(result);') line(out, indent, '}') line(out, indent, 'else') line(out, indent, '{') if not returnType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent + 1, 'jobj = jenv->NewLocalRef(value.this$);') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_DECREF(result);') if returnType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent + 1, 'return value;') else: line(out, indent + 1, 'return jobj;') line(out, indent, '}') line(out) if returnType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent, 'return (j%s) 0;', returnName) else: line(out, indent, 'return (jobject) NULL;') def python(env, out_h, out, cls, superCls, names, superNames, constructors, methods, protectedMethods, fields, instanceFields, mapping, sequence, rename, declares, typeset, moduleName, generics): line(out_h) line(out_h, 0, '#include ') line(out_h) indent = 0 for name in names[:-1]: line(out_h, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) indent += 1 line(out_h, indent, 'extern PyTypeObject %s$$Type;', names[-1]) if generics: clsParams = cls.getTypeParameters() else: clsParams = None line(out_h) line(out_h, indent, 'class t_%s {', names[-1]) line(out_h, indent, 'public:') line(out_h, indent + 1, 'PyObject_HEAD') line(out_h, indent + 1, '%s object;', cppname(names[-1])) if clsParams: line(out_h, indent + 1, 'PyTypeObject *parameters[%d];', len(clsParams)) line(out_h, indent + 1, 'static PyTypeObject **parameters_(t_%s *self)', cppname(names[-1])) line(out_h, indent + 1, '{') line(out_h, indent + 2, 'return (PyTypeObject **) &(self->parameters);') line(out_h, indent + 1, '}') line(out_h, indent + 1, 'static PyObject *wrap_Object(const %s&);', cppname(names[-1])) if clsParams: line(out_h, indent + 1, 'static PyObject *wrap_Object(const %s&, %s);', cppname(names[-1]), ', '.join(['PyTypeObject *'] * len(clsParams))) line(out_h, indent + 1, 'static PyObject *wrap_jobject(const jobject&);') line(out_h, indent + 1, 'static void install(PyObject *module);') line(out_h, indent + 1, 'static void initialize(PyObject *module);') line(out_h, indent, '};') iterator = findClass('java/util/Iterator') enumeration = findClass('java/util/Enumeration') while indent: indent -= 1 line(out_h, indent, '}') line(out) line(out, 0, '#include "structmember.h"') line(out, 0, '#include "functions.h"') line(out, 0, '#include "macros.h"') for inner in cls.getDeclaredClasses(): if inner in typeset and not inner in declares: if Modifier.isStatic(inner.getModifiers()): line(out, 0, '#include "%s.h"', inner.getName().replace('.', '/')) for method in methods: if method.getName() == 'pythonExtension': isExtension = True break else: isExtension = False line(out) indent = 0 for name in names[:-1]: line(out, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) indent += 1 line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_cast_(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *arg);', names[-1]) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_instance_(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *arg);', names[-1]) if constructors: line(out, indent, 'static int t_%s_init_(t_%s *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds);', names[-1], names[-1]) constructorName = 't_%s_init_' %(names[-1]) else: constructorName = 'abstract_init' if superCls: superMethods = set([method.getName() for method in superCls.getMethods()]) else: superMethods = () allMethods = {} extMethods = {} propMethods = {} if methods: for method in methods: modifiers = method.getModifiers() name = method.getName() params = method.getParameterTypes() superMethod = None isNative = Modifier.isNative(modifiers) isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) if (isExtension and not isStatic and superCls and isNative): superMethod = find_method(superCls, name, params) if isExtension and isNative and not isStatic: extMethods.setdefault(name, []).append(method) if superMethod or not (isExtension and isNative and not isStatic): if isStatic: if name in allMethods: if Modifier.isStatic(allMethods[name][0].getModifiers()): allMethods[name].append(method) elif name + '_' in allMethods: allMethods[name + '_'].append(method) else: print >>sys.stderr, " Warning: renaming static method '%s' on class %s to '%s_' since it is shadowed by non-static method of same name." %(name, '.'.join(names), name) allMethods[name + '_'] = [method] else: allMethods[name] = [method] else: if name in allMethods: if Modifier.isStatic(allMethods[name][0].getModifiers()): print >>sys.stderr, " Warning: renaming static method '%s' on class %s to '%s_' since it is shadowed by non-static method of same name." %(name, '.'.join(names), name) allMethods[name + '_'] = allMethods[name] allMethods[name] = [method] else: allMethods[name].append(method) else: allMethods[name] = [method] if not (isExtension and isNative): nameLen = len(name) paramsLen = len(params) if nameLen > 3 and paramsLen == 0 and name.startswith('get'): propMethods.setdefault(name[3].lower() + name[4:], []).append(method) elif nameLen > 3 and paramsLen == 1 and name.startswith('set'): propMethods.setdefault(name[3].lower() + name[4:], []).append(method) elif nameLen > 2 and paramsLen == 0 and name.startswith('is'): propMethods.setdefault(name[2].lower() + name[3:], []).append(method) properties = set([name for name in propMethods.iterkeys() if name not in allMethods]) propMethods = [(name, propMethods[name]) for name in properties] sort(propMethods, key=lambda x: x[0]) extMethods = extMethods.items() sort(extMethods, key=lambda x: x[0]) allMethods = allMethods.items() sort(allMethods, key=lambda x: x[0]) iteratorMethod = None iteratorExt = False nextMethod = None nextExt = False nextElementMethod = None nextElementExt = False mappingMethod = None if mapping: mappingName, mappingSig = mapping.split(':') sequenceLenMethod = None sequenceGetMethod = None if sequence: sequenceLenName, sequenceLenSig = sequence[0].split(':') sequenceGetName, sequenceGetSig = sequence[1].split(':') for name, methods in allMethods: args, x, cardinality = methodargs(methods, superMethods) sort(methods, key=lambda x: len(x.getParameterTypes())) method = methods[0] modifiers = method.getModifiers() if name == 'iterator' and iteratorMethod is None: if (not method.getParameterTypes() and iterator.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())): iteratorMethod = method elif name == 'next' and nextMethod is None: if (not method.getParameterTypes() and not method.getReturnType().isPrimitive()): nextMethod = method elif name == 'nextElement' and nextElementMethod is None: if (not method.getParameterTypes() and not method.getReturnType().isPrimitive()): nextElementMethod = method elif mapping and name == mappingName and mappingMethod is None: if signature(method) == mappingSig: mappingMethod = (method, cardinality) elif sequence and name == sequenceLenName and sequenceLenMethod is None: if signature(method) == sequenceLenSig: sequenceLenMethod = (method, cardinality) elif sequence and name == sequenceGetName and sequenceGetMethod is None: if signature(method) == sequenceGetSig: sequenceGetMethod = (method, cardinality) elif isExtension and name == 'clone' and Modifier.isNative(modifiers): args, x, cardinality = ', PyObject *arg', ', arg', 1 if Modifier.isStatic(modifiers): line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_%s(PyTypeObject *type%s);', names[-1], name, args) else: line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_%s(t_%s *self%s);', names[-1], name, names[-1], args) for name, methods in extMethods: args, x, cardinality = methodargs(methods, superMethods) sort(methods, key=lambda x: len(x.getParameterTypes())) method = methods[0] modifiers = method.getModifiers() if name == 'iterator' and iteratorMethod is None: if (not method.getParameterTypes() and iterator.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())): iteratorMethod = method iteratorExt = True elif name == 'next' and nextMethod is None: if (not method.getParameterTypes() and not method.getReturnType().isPrimitive()): nextMethod = method nextExt = True elif name == 'nextElement' and nextElementMethod is None: if (not method.getParameterTypes() and not method.getReturnType().isPrimitive()): nextElementMethod = method nextElementExt = True if isExtension: count = 0 for name, methods in extMethods: for method in methods: line(out, indent, 'static %s JNICALL t_%s_%s%d(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jobj%s);', jniname(method.getReturnType()), names[-1], name, count, jniargs(method.getParameterTypes())) count += 1 line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__self(t_%s *self, void *data);', names[-1], names[-1]) if instanceFields: for field in instanceFields: fieldName = field.getName() if fieldName not in properties: line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__%s(t_%s *self, void *data);', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) if not Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()): line(out, indent, 'static int t_%s_set__%s(t_%s *self, PyObject *arg, void *data);', names[-1], field.getName(), names[-1]) line(out) for fieldName, methods in propMethods: getter = False setter = False for method in methods: methodName = method.getName() if not getter and (methodName.startswith('get') or methodName.startswith('is')): getter = True line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__%s(t_%s *self, void *data);', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) elif not setter and methodName.startswith('set'): setter = True line(out, indent, 'static int t_%s_set__%s(t_%s *self, PyObject *arg, void *data);', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) if clsParams: line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__parameters_(t_%s *self, void *data);', names[-1], names[-1]) if instanceFields or propMethods or isExtension or clsParams: line(out, indent, 'static PyGetSetDef t_%s__fields_[] = {', names[-1]) for field in instanceFields: fieldName = field.getName() if fieldName not in properties: if Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()): line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_GET_FIELD(t_%s, %s),', names[-1], fieldName) else: line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_GETSET_FIELD(t_%s, %s),', names[-1], fieldName) for fieldName, methods in propMethods: getter = False setter = False for method in methods: methodName = method.getName() if not getter and (methodName.startswith('get') or methodName.startswith('is')): getter = True elif not setter and methodName.startswith('set'): setter = True if getter and setter: op = 'GETSET' elif getter: op = 'GET' elif setter: op = 'SET' line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_%s_FIELD(t_%s, %s),', op, names[-1], fieldName) if isExtension: line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_GET_FIELD(t_%s, self),', names[-1]) if clsParams: line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_GET_FIELD(t_%s, parameters_),', names[-1]) line(out, indent + 1, '{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }') line(out, indent, '};') line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PyMethodDef t_%s__methods_[] = {', names[-1]) line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_METHOD(t_%s, cast_, METH_O | METH_CLASS),', names[-1]) line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_METHOD(t_%s, instance_, METH_O | METH_CLASS),', names[-1]) for name, methods in allMethods: modifiers = methods[0].getModifiers() if len(methods) == 1 and not name in superMethods: count = len(methods[0].getParameterTypes()) if count == 0: args = 'METH_NOARGS' elif count == 1: args = 'METH_O' else: args = 'METH_VARARGS' elif isExtension and name == 'clone' and Modifier.isNative(modifiers): args = 'METH_O' else: args = 'METH_VARARGS' if Modifier.isStatic(modifiers): args += ' | METH_CLASS' line(out, indent + 1, 'DECLARE_METHOD(t_%s, %s, %s),', names[-1], name, args) line(out, indent + 1, '{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }') line(out, indent, '};') if instanceFields or propMethods or isExtension or clsParams: tp_getset = 't_%s__fields_' %(names[-1]) else: tp_getset = '0' if iteratorMethod: if iteratorExt: tp_iter = 'get_extension_iterator' else: tp_iter = '((PyObject *(*)(t_%s *)) get_%siterator)' %(names[-1], clsParams and 'generic_' or '', names[-1]) tp_iternext = '0' elif nextMethod and iterator.isAssignableFrom(cls): tp_iter = 'PyObject_SelfIter' returnName = typename(nextMethod.getReturnType(), cls, False) ns, sep, n = rpartition(returnName, '::') if nextExt: tp_iternext = 'get_extension_next' else: tp_iternext = '((PyObject *(*)(java::util::t_Iterator *)) get_%siterator_next)' %(clsParams and 'generic_' or '', ns, sep, n) elif nextElementMethod and enumeration.isAssignableFrom(cls): tp_iter = 'PyObject_SelfIter' returnName = typename(nextElementMethod.getReturnType(), cls, False) ns, sep, n = rpartition(returnName, '::') if nextElementExt: tp_iternext = 'get_extension_nextElement' else: tp_iternext = '((PyObject *(*)(java::util::t_Enumeration *)) get_%senumeration_next)' %(clsParams and 'generic_' or '', ns, sep, n) elif nextMethod: tp_iter = 'PyObject_SelfIter' returnName = typename(nextMethod.getReturnType(), cls, False) ns, sep, n = rpartition(returnName, '::') if nextExt: tp_iternext = 'get_extension_next' else: tp_iternext = '((PyObject *(*)(t_%s *)) get_%snext)' %(names[-1], clsParams and 'generic_' or '', names[-1], ns, sep, n, returnName) else: tp_iter = '0' tp_iternext = '0' if mappingMethod: method, cardinality = mappingMethod if cardinality > 1: getName = 't_%s_%s_map_' %(names[-1], method.getName()) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *%s(t_%s *self, PyObject *key);', getName, names[-1]) else: getName = 't_%s_%s' %(names[-1], method.getName()) line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PyMappingMethods t_%s_as_mapping = {', names[-1]) line(out, indent + 1, '0,') line(out, indent + 1, '(binaryfunc) %s,', getName) line(out, indent + 1, '0,') line(out, indent, '};') tp_as_mapping = '&t_%s_as_mapping' %(names[-1]) else: tp_as_mapping = '0' if sequenceLenMethod or sequenceGetMethod: if sequenceLenMethod: method, cardinality = sequenceLenMethod lenName = 't_%s_%s_seq_' %(names[-1], method.getName()) line(out, indent, 'static int %s(t_%s *self);', lenName, names[-1]) else: lenName = '0' if sequenceGetMethod: method, cardinality = sequenceGetMethod getName = 't_%s_%s_seq_' %(names[-1], method.getName()) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *%s(t_%s *self, int n);', getName, names[-1]) else: getName = '0' line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PySequenceMethods t_%s_as_sequence = {', names[-1]) if python_ver < '2.5.0': line(out, indent + 1, '(inquiry) %s,', lenName) line(out, indent + 1, '0,') line(out, indent + 1, '0,') line(out, indent + 1, '(intargfunc) %s', getName) line(out, indent, '};') else: line(out, indent + 1, '(lenfunc) %s,', lenName) line(out, indent + 1, '0,') line(out, indent + 1, '0,') line(out, indent + 1, '(ssizeargfunc) %s', getName) line(out, indent, '};') tp_as_sequence = '&t_%s_as_sequence' %(names[-1]) else: tp_as_sequence = '0' if len(superNames) > 1: base = '::'.join(('::'.join(cppnames(superNames[:-1])), superNames[-1])) else: base = superNames[-1] line(out) line(out, indent, 'DECLARE_TYPE(%s, t_%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);', names[-1], names[-1], base, cppname(names[-1]), constructorName, tp_iter, tp_iternext, tp_getset, tp_as_mapping, tp_as_sequence) if clsParams: clsArgs = [] for clsParam in clsParams: clsArgs.append("PyTypeObject *%s" %(clsParam.getName())) line(out, indent, "PyObject *t_%s::wrap_Object(const %s& object, %s)", cppname(names[-1]), names[-1], ', '.join(clsArgs)) line(out, indent, "{") line(out, indent + 1, "PyObject *obj = t_%s::wrap_Object(object);", names[-1]) line(out, indent + 1, "if (obj != Py_None)") line(out, indent + 1, "{") line(out, indent + 2, "t_%s *self = (t_%s *) obj;", names[-1], names[-1]) i = 0; for clsParam in clsParams: line(out, indent + 2, "self->parameters[%d] = %s;", i, clsParam.getName()) line(out, indent + 1, "}") line(out, indent + 1, "return obj;"); line(out, indent, "}") line(out) line(out, indent, 'void t_%s::install(PyObject *module)', names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'installType(&%s$$Type, module, "%s", %d);', names[-1], rename or names[-1], isExtension and 1 or 0) for inner in cls.getDeclaredClasses(): if inner in typeset: if Modifier.isStatic(inner.getModifiers()): innerName = inner.getName().split('.')[-1] line(out, indent + 1, 'PyDict_SetItemString(%s$$Type.tp_dict, "%s", make_descriptor(&%s$$Type));', names[-1], innerName[len(names[-1])+1:], innerName) line(out, indent, '}') line(out) line(out, indent, 'void t_%s::initialize(PyObject *module)', names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'PyDict_SetItemString(%s$$Type.tp_dict, "class_", make_descriptor(%s::initializeClass, %s));', names[-1], cppname(names[-1]), generics and 1 or 0) line(out, indent + 1, 'PyDict_SetItemString(%s$$Type.tp_dict, "wrapfn_", make_descriptor(t_%s::wrap_jobject));', names[-1], names[-1]) if isExtension: line(out, indent + 1, 'jclass cls = %s::initializeClass();', cppname(names[-1])) elif fields: line(out, indent + 1, '%s::initializeClass();', cppname(names[-1])) if isExtension: count = 0 line(out, indent + 1, 'JNINativeMethod methods[] = {') for name, methods in extMethods: for method in methods: line(out, indent + 2, '{ "%s", "%s", (void *) t_%s_%s%d },', name, signature(method), names[-1], name, count) count += 1 line(out, indent + 1, '};') line(out, indent + 1, 'env->registerNatives(cls, methods, %d);', count) for field in fields: fieldType = field.getType() fieldName = field.getName() value = '%s::%s' %(cppname(names[-1]), cppname(fieldName)) value = fieldValue(cls, value, fieldType) line(out, indent + 1, 'PyDict_SetItemString(%s$$Type.tp_dict, "%s", make_descriptor(%s));', names[-1], fieldName, value) line(out, indent, '}') line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_cast_(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *arg)', names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'if (!(arg = castCheck(arg, %s::initializeClass, 1)))', cppname(names[-1])) line(out, indent + 2, 'return NULL;') line(out, indent + 1, 'return t_%s::wrap_Object(%s(((t_%s *) arg)->object.this$));', names[-1], cppname(names[-1]), names[-1]) line(out, indent, '}') line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_instance_(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *arg)', names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'if (!castCheck(arg, %s::initializeClass, 0))', cppname(names[-1])) line(out, indent + 2, 'Py_RETURN_FALSE;') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_RETURN_TRUE;') line(out, indent, '}') if constructors: line(out) line(out, indent, 'static int t_%s_init_(t_%s *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)', names[-1], names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') if len(constructors) > 1: currLen = -1 line(out, indent + 1, 'switch (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args)) {') withErr = False for constructor in constructors: params = constructor.getParameterTypes() if len(params) != currLen: if currLen >= 0: withErr = True line(out, indent + 2, 'goto err;') currLen = len(params) line(out, indent + 1, '%scase %d:', HALF_INDENT, currLen) construct(out, indent + 2, cls, True, constructor, names, generics) line(out, indent + 1, '%sdefault:', HALF_INDENT) if withErr: line(out, indent + 1, '%serr:', HALF_INDENT) line(out, indent + 2, 'PyErr_SetArgsError((PyObject *) self, "__init__", args);') line(out, indent + 2, 'return -1;') line(out, indent + 1, '}') else: construct(out, indent + 1, cls, False, constructors[0], names, generics) if constructors[0].getParameterTypes(): line(out, indent + 1, 'else') line(out, indent + 1, '{') line(out, indent + 2, 'PyErr_SetArgsError((PyObject *) self, "__init__", args);') line(out, indent + 2, 'return -1;') line(out, indent + 1, '}') if isExtension: line(out) line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_INCREF((PyObject *) self);') line(out, indent + 1, 'self->object.pythonExtension((jlong) (Py_intptr_t) (void *) self);') line(out) line(out, indent + 1, 'return 0;') line(out, indent , '}') for name, methods in allMethods: line(out) modifiers = methods[0].getModifiers() if isExtension and name == 'clone' and Modifier.isNative(modifiers): declargs, args, cardinality = ', PyObject *arg', ', arg', 1 else: declargs, args, cardinality = methodargs(methods, superMethods) static = Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) if static: line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_%s(PyTypeObject *type%s)', names[-1], name, declargs) else: line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_%s(t_%s *self%s)', names[-1], name, names[-1], declargs) line(out, indent, '{') if len(methods) > 1: currLen = -1 line(out, indent + 1, 'switch (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args)) {') for method in methods: params = method.getParameterTypes() if len(params) != currLen: if currLen >= 0: line(out, indent + 2, 'break;') currLen = len(params) line(out, indent + 1, '%scase %d:', HALF_INDENT, currLen) call(out, indent + 2, cls, True, method, names, cardinality, isExtension, generics) line(out, indent + 1, '}') else: call(out, indent + 1, cls, False, methods[0], names, cardinality, isExtension, generics) if args: line(out) if name in superMethods: if static: line(out, indent + 1, 'return callSuper(type, "%s"%s, %d);', name, args, cardinality) else: line(out, indent + 1, 'return callSuper(&%s$$Type, (PyObject *) self, "%s"%s, %d);', names[-1], name, args, cardinality) else: line(out, indent + 1, 'PyErr_SetArgsError(%s, "%s"%s);', static and 'type' or '(PyObject *) self', name, args) line(out, indent + 1, 'return NULL;') line(out, indent, '}') if isExtension: count = 0 for name, methods in extMethods: for method in methods: line(out) line(out, indent, 'static %s JNICALL t_%s_%s%d(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jobj%s)', jniname(method.getReturnType()), names[-1], name, count, jniargs(method.getParameterTypes())) count += 1 line(out, indent, '{') extension(env, out, indent + 1, cls, names, name, count, method, generics) line(out, indent, '}') line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__self(t_%s *self, void *data)', names[-1], names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') indent += 1 line(out, indent, 'jlong ptr;') line(out, indent, 'OBJ_CALL(ptr = self->object.pythonExtension());') line(out, indent, 'PyObject *obj = (PyObject *) (Py_intptr_t) ptr;') line(out) line(out, indent, 'if (obj != NULL)') line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_INCREF(obj);') line(out, indent + 1, 'return obj;') line(out, indent, '}') line(out, indent, 'else') line(out, indent + 1, 'Py_RETURN_NONE;') indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') if clsParams: line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__parameters_(t_%s *self, void *data)', names[-1], names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'return typeParameters(self->parameters, sizeof(self->parameters));') line(out, indent, '}') if instanceFields: for field in instanceFields: fieldName = field.getName() if fieldName not in properties: line(out) fieldType = field.getType() typeName = typename(fieldType, cls, False) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__%s(t_%s *self, void *data)', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, '%s value%s;', typeName, not fieldType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') line(out, indent + 1, 'OBJ_CALL(value = self->object._get_%s());', fieldName) line(out, indent + 1, returnValue(cls, fieldType, 'value')) line(out, indent, '}') if not Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()): line(out, indent, 'static int t_%s_set__%s(t_%s *self, PyObject *arg, void *data)', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, '%s value%s;', typeName, not fieldType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') sig, check, x = parseArgs([fieldType], cls, False) line(out, indent + 1, 'if (!parseArg(arg, "%s"%s, &value))', sig, check) line(out, indent + 1, '{') line(out, indent + 2, 'INT_CALL(self->object._set_%s(value));', fieldName) line(out, indent + 2, 'return 0;') line(out, indent + 1, '}') line(out, indent + 1, 'PyErr_SetArgsError((PyObject *) self, "%s", arg);', fieldName) line(out, indent + 1, 'return -1;') line(out, indent, '}') if propMethods: for fieldName, methods in propMethods: line(out) getter = None setters = [] sort(methods, key=lambda x: x.getName()) for method in methods: methodName = method.getName() if not getter and (methodName.startswith('get') or methodName.startswith('is')): getter = method elif methodName.startswith('set'): setters.append(method) if getter: methodName = getter.getName() returnType = getter.getReturnType() typeName = typename(returnType, cls, False) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *t_%s_get__%s(t_%s *self, void *data)', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, '%s value%s;', typeName, not returnType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') line(out, indent + 1, 'OBJ_CALL(value = self->object.%s());', methodName) line(out, indent + 1, returnValue(cls, returnType, 'value')) line(out, indent, '}') if setters: line(out, indent, 'static int t_%s_set__%s(t_%s *self, PyObject *arg, void *data)', names[-1], fieldName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') methodName = setters[0].getName() for method in setters: argType = method.getParameterTypes()[0] typeName = typename(argType, cls, False) line(out, indent + 1, '{') line(out, indent + 2, '%s value%s;', typeName, not argType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') sig, check, x = parseArgs([argType], cls, False) line(out, indent + 2, 'if (!parseArg(arg, "%s"%s, &value))', sig, check) line(out, indent + 2, '{') line(out, indent + 3, 'INT_CALL(self->object.%s(value));', methodName) line(out, indent + 3, 'return 0;') line(out, indent + 2, '}') line(out, indent + 1, '}') line(out, indent + 1, 'PyErr_SetArgsError((PyObject *) self, "%s", arg);', fieldName) line(out, indent + 1, 'return -1;') line(out, indent, '}') if mappingMethod: method, cardinality = mappingMethod if cardinality > 1: methodName = method.getName() getName = 't_%s_%s_map_' %(names[-1], methodName) line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *%s(t_%s *self, PyObject *arg)', getName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') call(out, indent + 1, cls, False, method, names, 1, isExtension, generics) line(out) line(out, indent + 1, 'PyErr_SetArgsError((PyObject *) self, "%s", arg);', methodName) line(out, indent + 1, 'return NULL;') line(out, indent, '}') if sequenceLenMethod: method, cardinality = sequenceLenMethod methodName = method.getName() lenName = 't_%s_%s_seq_' %(names[-1], methodName) line(out) line(out, indent, 'static int %s(t_%s *self)', lenName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, '%s len;', typename(method.getReturnType(), cls, False)) line(out, indent + 1, 'INT_CALL(len = self->object.%s());', methodName) line(out, indent + 1, 'return (int) len;') line(out, indent, '}') if sequenceGetMethod: method, cardinality = sequenceGetMethod methodName = method.getName() returnType = method.getReturnType() getName = 't_%s_%s_seq_' %(names[-1], methodName) line(out) line(out, indent, 'static PyObject *%s(t_%s *self, int n)', getName, names[-1]) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, '%s result%s;', typename(returnType, cls, False), not returnType.isPrimitive() and '((jobject) NULL)' or '') line(out, indent + 1, 'OBJ_CALL(result = self->object.%s((%s) n));', methodName, typename(method.getParameterTypes()[0], cls, False)) line(out, indent + 1, returnValue(cls, returnType, 'result')) line(out, indent, '}') while indent: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') def package(out, allInOne, cppdir, namespace, names): if not allInOne: out = file(os.path.join(os.path.join(cppdir, *names), '__init__.cpp'), 'w') if allInOne and not names or not allInOne: line(out, 0, '#include ') line(out, 0, '#include ') line(out, 0, '#include "JCCEnv.h"') line(out, 0, '#include "functions.h"') if not names: line(out) line(out, 0, 'PyObject *initVM(PyObject *module, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds);') packages = [] types = [] namespaces = namespace.items() sort(namespaces, key=lambda x: x[0]) for name, entries in namespaces: if entries is True: if names: line(out, 0, '#include "%s/%s.h"', '/'.join(names), name) else: line(out, 0, '#include "%s.h"', name) types.append(name) else: packages.append((name, entries)) indent = 0 if names: line(out) for name in names: line(out, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) indent += 1 line(out); for name, entries in packages: line(out, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) line(out, indent + 1, 'void __install__(PyObject *module);') line(out, indent + 1, 'void __initialize__(PyObject *module);') line(out, indent, '}') line(out) line(out, indent, 'void __install__(PyObject *module)') line(out, indent, '{') for name in types: line(out, indent + 1, 't_%s::install(module);', name) for name, entries in packages: line(out, indent + 1, '%s::__install__(module);', cppname(name)) line(out, indent, '}') line(out) if not names: line(out, indent, 'PyObject *__initialize__(PyObject *module, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)') line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'PyObject *env = initVM(module, args, kwds);') line(out) line(out, indent + 1, 'if (env == NULL)') line(out, indent + 2, 'return NULL;') line(out) line(out, indent + 1, 'try {'); indent += 1 else: line(out, indent, 'void __initialize__(PyObject *module)') line(out, indent, '{') for name in types: line(out, indent + 1, 't_%s::initialize(module);', name) for name, entries in packages: line(out, indent + 1, '%s::__initialize__(module);', cppname(name)) if not names: line(out, indent + 1, 'return env;') indent -= 1 line(out, indent + 1, '} catch (JCCEnv::exception e) {') line(out, indent + 2, 'PyErr_SetJavaError(e.throwable);') line(out, indent + 2, 'return NULL;') line(out, indent + 1, '}') line(out, indent, '}') while indent: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') if not allInOne: out.close() else: line(out) for name, entries in packages: package(out, allInOne, cppdir, entries, names + (name,)) def module(out, allInOne, classes, cppdir, moduleName, shared, generics): extname = '_%s' %(moduleName) line(out, 0, '#include ') line(out, 0, '#include "macros.h"') line(out, 0, '#include "jccfuncs.h"') if allInOne: out_init = file(os.path.join(cppdir, '__init__.cpp'), 'w') namespaces = {} for cls in classes: namespace = namespaces classNames = cls.getName().split('.') for className in classNames[:-1]: namespace = namespace.setdefault(className, {}) namespace[classNames[-1]] = True if allInOne: package(out_init, True, cppdir, namespaces, ()) out_init.close() else: package(None, False, cppdir, namespaces, ()) line(out) line(out, 0, 'PyObject *initJCC(PyObject *module);') line(out, 0, 'void __install__(PyObject *module);') line(out, 0, 'extern PyTypeObject JObject$$Type, ConstVariableDescriptor$$Type, FinalizerClass$$Type, FinalizerProxy$$Type;') line(out, 0, 'extern void _install_jarray(PyObject *);') line(out) line(out, 0, 'extern "C" {') line(out) line(out, 1, 'void init%s(void)', extname) line(out, 1, '{') line(out, 2, 'PyObject *module = Py_InitModule3("%s", jcc_funcs, "");', extname); line(out) line(out, 2, 'initJCC(module);') line(out) line(out, 2, 'INSTALL_TYPE(JObject, module);') line(out, 2, 'INSTALL_TYPE(ConstVariableDescriptor, module);') line(out, 2, 'INSTALL_TYPE(FinalizerClass, module);') line(out, 2, 'INSTALL_TYPE(FinalizerProxy, module);') line(out, 2, '_install_jarray(module);') line(out, 2, '__install__(module);') line(out, 1, '}') line(out, 0, '}') def compile(env, jccPath, output, moduleName, install, dist, debug, jars, version, prefix, root, install_dir, use_distutils, shared, compiler, modules, wininst, arch, generics): try: if use_distutils: raise ImportError from setuptools import setup, Extension with_setuptools = True if shared and not SHARED: raise NotImplementedError, "JCC was not built with --shared mode support, see JCC's INSTALL file for more information" except ImportError: if python_ver < '2.4': raise ImportError, 'setuptools is required when using Python 2.3' if shared: raise ImportError, 'setuptools is required when using --shared' from distutils.core import setup, Extension with_setuptools = False extname = '_%s' %(moduleName) modulePath = os.path.join(output, moduleName) if not os.path.isdir(modulePath): os.makedirs(modulePath) out = file(os.path.join(modulePath, '__init__.py'), 'w') line(out) if shared: line(out, 0, "import os, sys") line(out) line(out, 0, "if sys.platform == 'win32':") line(out, 1, "import jcc, %s", extname) line(out, 0, "else:") line(out, 1, "import %s", extname) else: line(out, 0, 'import os, %s', extname) line(out) line(out, 0, '__dir__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))') package_data = [] for jar in jars: shutil.copy2(jar, modulePath) package_data.append(os.path.basename(jar)) packages = [moduleName] if modules: for module in modules: if os.path.isdir(module): def copytree(src, dst, is_package): if is_package: packages.append('.'.join((moduleName, src.replace(os.path.sep, '.')))) if not os.path.exists(dst): os.mkdir(dst) for name in os.listdir(src): if name.startswith('.'): continue _src = os.path.join(src, name) if os.path.islink(_src): continue _dst = os.path.join(dst, name) if os.path.isdir(_src): copytree(_src, _dst, os.path.exists(os.path.join(_src, '__init__.py'))) elif not is_package or name.endswith('.py'): shutil.copy2(_src, _dst) dst = modulePath if os.path.exists(os.path.join(module, '__init__.py')): dst = os.path.join(modulePath, os.path.basename(module)) copytree(module, dst, True) else: copytree(module, dst, False) else: shutil.copy2(module.split('.')[0] + '.py', modulePath) line(out) line(out, 0, 'class JavaError(Exception):') line(out, 1, 'def getJavaException(self):') line(out, 2, 'return self.args[0]') line(out, 1, 'def __str__(self):') line(out, 2, 'writer = %s.StringWriter()', extname) line(out, 2, 'self.getJavaException().printStackTrace(%s.PrintWriter(writer))', extname) line(out, 2, 'return "\\n".join((super(JavaError, self).__str__(), " Java stacktrace:", str(writer)))') line(out) line(out, 0, 'class InvalidArgsError(Exception):') line(out, 1, 'pass') line(out) line(out, 0, '%s._set_exception_types(JavaError, InvalidArgsError)', extname) if version: line(out) line(out, 0, 'VERSION = "%s"', version) line(out, 0, 'CLASSPATH = [%s]' %(', '.join(['os.path.join(__dir__, "%s")' %(os.path.basename(jar)) for jar in jars]))) line(out, 0, 'CLASSPATH = os.pathsep.join(CLASSPATH)') line(out, 0, '%s.CLASSPATH = CLASSPATH', extname) line(out, 0, '%s._set_function_self(%s.initVM, %s)', extname, extname, extname) line(out) line(out, 0, 'from %s import *', extname) out.close() includes = [os.path.join(output, extname), os.path.join(jccPath, 'sources')] sources = ['JObject.cpp', 'JArray.cpp', 'functions.cpp', 'types.cpp'] if not shared: sources.append('jcc.cpp') sources.append('JCCEnv.cpp') for source in sources: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(jccPath, 'sources', source), os.path.join(output, extname)) sources = [] for path, dirs, names in os.walk(os.path.join(output, extname)): for name in names: if name.endswith('.cpp'): sources.append(os.path.join(path, name)) script_args = ['build_ext'] includes[0:0] = INCLUDES compile_args = CFLAGS link_args = LFLAGS defines=['PYTHON'] if compiler: script_args.append('--compiler=%s' %(compiler)) if shared: defines.append('_jcc_shared') script_args.append('--define=%s' %(','.join(defines))) if debug: script_args.append('--debug') compile_args += DEBUG_CFLAGS elif sys.platform == 'win32': pass elif sys.platform == 'sunos5': link_args.append('-Wl,-s') else: link_args.append('-Wl,-S') if install: script_args.append('install') if prefix: script_args.append('--prefix=%s' % prefix) if root: script_args.append('--root=%s' % root) if install_dir: script_args.append('--install-lib=%s' % install_dir) if dist: if wininst: script_args.append('bdist_wininst') elif with_setuptools: script_args.append('bdist_egg') else: script_args.append('bdist') args = { 'extra_compile_args': compile_args, 'extra_link_args': link_args, 'include_dirs': includes, 'sources': sources } if generics: args['define_macros'] = [('_java_generics', None)] if shared: shlibdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(_jcc.__file__)) if sys.platform == 'darwin': # distutils no good with -R machine = platform.machine() if machine.startswith('iPod') or machine.startswith('iPhone'): args['extra_link_args'] += ['-L' + shlibdir] else: args['extra_link_args'] += ['-Wl,-rpath', shlibdir] args['library_dirs'] = [shlibdir] args['libraries'] = ['jcc'] elif sys.platform == 'linux2': # distutils no good with -R args['extra_link_args'] += ['-Wl,-rpath', shlibdir] args['library_dirs'] = [shlibdir] args['libraries'] = ['jcc'] elif sys.platform == 'win32': jcclib = 'jcc%s.lib' %(debug and '_d' or '') args['extra_link_args'] += [os.path.join(shlibdir, 'jcc', jcclib)] else: raise NotImplementedError, "shared mode on %s" %(sys.platform) if arch and sys.platform == 'darwin': from distutils import sysconfig config_vars = sysconfig.get_config_vars() cflags = config_vars['CFLAGS'].split(' ') count = len(cflags) i = 0 while i < count - 1: if cflags[i] == '-arch' and cflags[i + 1] not in arch: del cflags[i:i+2] count -= 2 else: i += 1 config_vars['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join(cflags) extensions = [Extension('.'.join([moduleName, extname]), **args)] args = { 'name': moduleName, 'packages': packages, 'package_dir': {moduleName: modulePath}, 'package_data': {moduleName: package_data}, 'version': version, 'ext_modules': extensions, 'script_args': script_args } if with_setuptools: args['zip_safe'] = False setup(**args)