# ==================================================================== # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ==================================================================== from unittest import TestCase from cStringIO import StringIO from lucene import \ WhitespaceAnalyzer, Document, Field, IndexReader, IndexWriter, Term, \ IndexSearcher, PhraseQuery, SpanFirstQuery, SpanNearQuery, SpanNotQuery, \ SpanOrQuery, SpanTermQuery, RAMDirectory, Hit from lia.analysis.AnalyzerUtils import AnalyzerUtils class SpanQueryTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.directory = RAMDirectory() self.analyzer = WhitespaceAnalyzer() writer = IndexWriter(self.directory, self.analyzer, True) doc = Document() doc.add(Field("f", "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)) writer.addDocument(doc) doc = Document() doc.add(Field("f", "the quick red fox jumps over the sleepy cat", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)) writer.addDocument(doc) writer.close() self.searcher = IndexSearcher(self.directory) self.reader = IndexReader.open(self.directory) self.quick = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "quick")) self.brown = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "brown")) self.red = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "red")) self.fox = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "fox")) self.lazy = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "lazy")) self.sleepy = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "sleepy")) self.dog = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "dog")) self.cat = SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "cat")) def assertOnlyBrownFox(self, query): hits = self.searcher.search(query) self.assertEqual(1, len(hits)) self.assertEqual(0, hits.id(0), "wrong doc") def assertBothFoxes(self, query): hits = self.searcher.search(query) self.assertEqual(2, len(hits)) def assertNoMatches(self, query): hits = self.searcher.search(query) self.assertEquals(0, len(hits)) def testSpanTermQuery(self): self.assertOnlyBrownFox(self.brown) self.dumpSpans(self.brown) def testSpanFirstQuery(self): sfq = SpanFirstQuery(self.brown, 2) self.assertNoMatches(sfq) self.dumpSpans(sfq) sfq = SpanFirstQuery(self.brown, 3) self.dumpSpans(sfq) self.assertOnlyBrownFox(sfq) def testSpanNearQuery(self): quick_brown_dog = [self.quick, self.brown, self.dog] snq = SpanNearQuery(quick_brown_dog, 0, True) self.assertNoMatches(snq) self.dumpSpans(snq) snq = SpanNearQuery(quick_brown_dog, 4, True) self.assertNoMatches(snq) self.dumpSpans(snq) snq = SpanNearQuery(quick_brown_dog, 5, True) self.assertOnlyBrownFox(snq) self.dumpSpans(snq) # interesting - even a sloppy phrase query would require # more slop to match snq = SpanNearQuery([self.lazy, self.fox], 3, False) self.assertOnlyBrownFox(snq) self.dumpSpans(snq) pq = PhraseQuery() pq.add(Term("f", "lazy")) pq.add(Term("f", "fox")) pq.setSlop(4) self.assertNoMatches(pq) pq.setSlop(5) self.assertOnlyBrownFox(pq) def testSpanNotQuery(self): quick_fox = SpanNearQuery([self.quick, self.fox], 1, True) self.assertBothFoxes(quick_fox) self.dumpSpans(quick_fox) quick_fox_dog = SpanNotQuery(quick_fox, self.dog) self.assertBothFoxes(quick_fox_dog) self.dumpSpans(quick_fox_dog) no_quick_red_fox = SpanNotQuery(quick_fox, self.red) self.assertOnlyBrownFox(no_quick_red_fox) self.dumpSpans(no_quick_red_fox) def testSpanOrQuery(self): quick_fox = SpanNearQuery([self.quick, self.fox], 1, True) lazy_dog = SpanNearQuery([self.lazy, self.dog], 0, True) sleepy_cat = SpanNearQuery([self.sleepy, self.cat], 0, True) qf_near_ld = SpanNearQuery([quick_fox, lazy_dog], 3, True) self.assertOnlyBrownFox(qf_near_ld) self.dumpSpans(qf_near_ld) qf_near_sc = SpanNearQuery([quick_fox, sleepy_cat], 3, True) self.dumpSpans(qf_near_sc) orQ = SpanOrQuery([qf_near_ld, qf_near_sc]) self.assertBothFoxes(orQ) self.dumpSpans(orQ) def testPlay(self): orQ = SpanOrQuery([self.quick, self.fox]) self.dumpSpans(orQ) quick_fox = SpanNearQuery([self.quick, self.fox], 1, True) sfq = SpanFirstQuery(quick_fox, 4) self.dumpSpans(sfq) self.dumpSpans(SpanTermQuery(Term("f", "the"))) quick_brown = SpanNearQuery([self.quick, self.brown], 0, False) self.dumpSpans(quick_brown) def dumpSpans(self, query): spans = query.getSpans(self.reader) print "%s:" % query numSpans = 0 hits = self.searcher.search(query) scores = [0, 0] for hit in hits: hit = Hit.cast_(hit) scores[hit.getId()] = hit.getScore() while spans.next(): numSpans += 1 id = spans.doc() doc = self.reader.document(id) # for simplicity - assume tokens are in sequential, # positions, starting from 0 tokens = AnalyzerUtils.tokensFromAnalysis(self.analyzer, doc["f"]) buffer = StringIO() buffer.write(" ") i = 0 for token in tokens: if i == spans.start(): buffer.write("<") buffer.write(token.termText()) if i + 1 == spans.end(): buffer.write(">") buffer.write(" ") i += 1 buffer.write("(") buffer.write(str(scores[id])) buffer.write(") ") print buffer.getvalue() # print self.searcher.explain(query, id) if numSpans == 0: print " No spans" print ''