# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os, sys, platform, subprocess jcc_ver = '2.4.1' python_ver = '%d.%d.%d' %(sys.version_info[0:3]) machine = platform.machine() if machine.startswith("iPod") or machine.startswith("iPhone"): platform = 'ipod' else: platform = sys.platform # Add or edit the entry corresponding to your system in the JDK, INCLUDES, # CFLAGS, DEBUG_CFLAGS, LFLAGS and JAVAC dictionaries below. # These entries are used to build JCC _and_ by JCC to drive compiling and # linking via distutils or setuptools the extensions it generated code for. # # The key for your system is determined by the platform variable defined # above. # # Instead of editing the entries below, you may also override these # dictionaries with JCC_JDK, JCC_INCLUDES, JCC_CFLAGS, JCC_DEBUG_CFLAGS, # JCC_LFLAGS and JCC_JAVAC environment variables using os.pathsep as value # separator. JDK = { 'darwin': '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current', 'ipod': '/usr/include/gcc', 'linux2': '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk', 'sunos5': '/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0', 'win32': 'o:/Java/jdk1.6.0_02', } if 'JCC_JDK' in os.environ: JDK[platform] = os.environ['JCC_JDK'] INCLUDES = { 'darwin': ['%(darwin)s/Headers' %(JDK)], 'ipod': ['%(ipod)s/darwin/default' %(JDK)], 'linux2': ['%(linux2)s/include' %(JDK), '%(linux2)s/include/linux' %(JDK)], 'sunos5': ['%(sunos5)s/include' %(JDK), '%(sunos5)s/include/solaris' %(JDK)], 'win32': ['%(win32)s/include' %(JDK), '%(win32)s/include/win32' %(JDK)], } CFLAGS = { 'darwin': ['-fno-strict-aliasing', '-Wno-write-strings'], 'ipod': ['-Wno-write-strings'], 'linux2': ['-fno-strict-aliasing', '-Wno-write-strings'], 'sunos5': ['-features=iddollar', '-erroff=badargtypel2w,wbadinitl,wvarhidemem'], 'win32': [], } # added to CFLAGS when JCC is invoked with --debug DEBUG_CFLAGS = { 'darwin': ['-O0', '-g', '-DDEBUG'], 'ipod': ['-O0', '-g', '-DDEBUG'], 'linux2': ['-O0', '-g', '-DDEBUG'], 'sunos5': ['-DDEBUG'], 'win32': ['/Od', '/DDEBUG'], } LFLAGS = { 'darwin': ['-framework', 'JavaVM'], 'ipod': ['-ljvm', '-lpython%s.%s' %(sys.version_info[0:2]), '-L/usr/lib/gcc/arm-apple-darwin9/4.0.1'], 'linux2/i386': ['-L%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386' %(JDK), '-ljava', '-L%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386/client' %(JDK), '-ljvm', '-Wl,-rpath=%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386:%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386/client' %(JDK)], 'linux2/i686': ['-L%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386' %(JDK), '-ljava', '-L%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386/client' %(JDK), '-ljvm', '-Wl,-rpath=%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386:%(linux2)s/jre/lib/i386/client' %(JDK)], 'linux2/x86_64': ['-L%(linux2)s/jre/lib/amd64' %(JDK), '-ljava', '-L%(linux2)s/jre/lib/amd64/server' %(JDK), '-ljvm', '-Wl,-rpath=%(linux2)s/jre/lib/amd64:%(linux2)s/jre/lib/amd64/server' %(JDK)], 'sunos5': ['-L%(sunos5)s/jre/lib/i386' %(JDK), '-ljava', '-L%(sunos5)s/jre/lib/i386/client' %(JDK), '-ljvm', '-R%(sunos5)s/jre/lib/i386:%(sunos5)s/jre/lib/i386/client' %(JDK)], 'win32': ['/LIBPATH:%(win32)s/lib' %(JDK), 'jvm.lib'], } if platform == 'linux2': LFLAGS['linux2'] = LFLAGS['linux2/%s' %(machine)] JAVAC = { 'darwin': ['javac', '-target', '1.5'], 'ipod': ['jikes', '-cp', '/usr/share/classpath/glibj.zip'], 'linux2': ['javac'], 'sunos5': ['javac'], 'win32': ['javac.exe'], } try: if 'USE_DISTUTILS' in os.environ: raise ImportError from setuptools import setup, Extension from pkg_resources import require with_setuptools = require('setuptools')[0].parsed_version enable_shared = False with_setuptools_c7 = ('00000000', '00000006', '*c', '00000007', '*final') with_setuptools_c11 = ('00000000', '00000006', '*c', '00000011', '*final') if with_setuptools >= with_setuptools_c7 and 'NO_SHARED' not in os.environ: if platform in ('darwin', 'ipod', 'win32'): enable_shared = True elif platform == 'linux2': try: from setuptools.command.build_ext import sh_link_shared_object enable_shared = True # jcc/patches/patch.43 was applied except ImportError: import setuptools jccdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) st_egg = os.path.dirname(setuptools.__path__[0]) if with_setuptools < with_setuptools_c11: patch_version = '0.6c7' else: patch_version = '0.6c11' def patch_st_dir(): return ''' Shared mode is disabled, setuptools patch.43.%s must be applied to enable it or the NO_SHARED environment variable must be set to turn off this error. sudo patch -d %s -Nup0 < %s/jcc/patches/patch.43.%s See %s/INSTALL for more information about shared mode. ''' %(patch_version, st_egg, jccdir, patch_version, jccdir) def patch_st_zip(): return ''' Shared mode is disabled, setuptools patch.43.%s must be applied to enable it or the NO_SHARED environment variable must be set to turn off this error. mkdir tmp cd tmp unzip -q %s patch -Nup0 < %s/jcc/patches/patch.43.%s sudo zip %s -f cd .. rm -rf tmp See %s/INSTALL for more information about shared mode. ''' %(patch_version, st_egg, jccdir, patch_version, st_egg, jccdir) if os.path.isdir(st_egg): raise NotImplementedError, patch_st_dir() else: raise NotImplementedError, patch_st_zip() except ImportError: if python_ver < '2.4': raise ImportError, 'setuptools is required when using Python 2.3' else: from distutils.core import setup, Extension with_setuptools = None enable_shared = False def main(debug): _jcc_argsep = os.environ.get('JCC_ARGSEP', os.pathsep) if 'JCC_INCLUDES' in os.environ: _includes = os.environ['JCC_INCLUDES'].split(_jcc_argsep) else: _includes = INCLUDES[platform] if 'JCC_CFLAGS' in os.environ: _cflags = os.environ['JCC_CFLAGS'].split(_jcc_argsep) else: _cflags = CFLAGS[platform] if 'JCC_DEBUG_CFLAGS' in os.environ: _debug_cflags = os.environ['JCC_DEBUG_CFLAGS'].split(_jcc_argsep) else: _debug_cflags = DEBUG_CFLAGS[platform] if 'JCC_LFLAGS' in os.environ: _lflags = os.environ['JCC_LFLAGS'].split(_jcc_argsep) else: _lflags = LFLAGS[platform] if 'JCC_JAVAC' in os.environ: _javac = os.environ['JCC_JAVAC'].split(_jcc_argsep) else: _javac = JAVAC[platform] config = file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'jcc', 'config.py'), 'w') print >>config print >>config, 'INCLUDES=%s' %(_includes) print >>config, 'CFLAGS=%s' %(_cflags) print >>config, 'DEBUG_CFLAGS=%s' %(_debug_cflags) print >>config, 'LFLAGS=%s' %(_lflags) print >>config, 'SHARED=%s' %(enable_shared) print >>config config.close() extensions = [] boot = '_jcc' cflags = ['-DPYTHON'] + _cflags if debug: cflags += _debug_cflags includes = _includes + [boot, 'jcc/sources'] lflags = _lflags if not debug: if platform == 'win32': pass elif platform == 'sunos5': lflags += ['-Wl,-s'] else: lflags += ['-Wl,-S'] sources = ['jcc/sources/jcc.cpp', 'jcc/sources/JCCEnv.cpp', 'jcc/sources/JObject.cpp', 'jcc/sources/JArray.cpp', 'jcc/sources/functions.cpp', 'jcc/sources/types.cpp'] for path, dirs, names in os.walk(boot): for name in names: if name.endswith('.cpp'): sources.append(os.path.join(path, name)) package_data = ['sources/*.cpp', 'sources/*.h', 'patches/patch.*'] if with_setuptools and enable_shared: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from setuptools import Library kwds = { "extra_compile_args": cflags, "include_dirs": includes, "define_macros": [('_jcc_lib', None)], "sources": sources[0:2] } if platform in ('darwin', 'ipod'): kwds["extra_link_args"] = \ lflags + ['-install_name', '@rpath/libjcc.dylib', '-current_version', jcc_ver, '-compatibility_version', jcc_ver] elif platform == 'linux2': kwds["extra_link_args"] = \ lflags + ['-lpython%s.%s' %(sys.version_info[0:2])] kwds["force_shared"] = True # requires jcc/patches/patch.43 elif platform == 'win32': jcclib = 'jcc%s.lib' %(debug and '_d' or '') kwds["extra_link_args"] = \ lflags + ["/IMPLIB:%s" %(os.path.join('jcc', jcclib))] package_data.append(jcclib) else: kwds["extra_link_args"] = lflags extensions.append(Library('jcc', **kwds)) args = _javac[:] args.extend(('-d', 'jcc/classes')) args.append('java/org/apache/jcc/PythonVM.java') args.append('java/org/apache/jcc/PythonException.java') if not os.path.exists('jcc/classes'): os.makedirs('jcc/classes') try: process = Popen(args, stderr=PIPE) except Exception, e: raise type(e), "%s: %s" %(e, args) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: raise OSError, process.stderr.read() package_data.append('classes/org/apache/jcc/PythonVM.class') package_data.append('classes/org/apache/jcc/PythonException.class') extensions.append(Extension('jcc._jcc', extra_compile_args=cflags, extra_link_args=lflags, include_dirs=includes, sources=sources)) args = { 'name': 'JCC', 'version': jcc_ver, 'description': 'a C++ code generator for calling Java from C++/Python', 'long_description': open('DESCRIPTION').read(), 'author': 'Andi Vajda', 'author_email': 'vajda@apache.org', 'classifiers': ['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Console', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: C++', 'Programming Language :: Java', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries'], 'packages': ['jcc'], 'package_dir': {'jcc': 'jcc'}, 'package_data': {'jcc': package_data}, 'ext_modules': extensions } if with_setuptools: args['zip_safe'] = False setup(**args) if __name__ == "__main__": main('--debug' in sys.argv)