# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from lucene import JArray, \ PythonSet, PythonList, PythonIterator, PythonListIterator, JavaError, \ NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException, IndexOutOfBoundsException class JavaSet(PythonSet): """ This class implements java.util.Set around a Python set instance it wraps. """ def __init__(self, _set): super(JavaSet, self).__init__() self._set = _set def __contains__(self, obj): return obj in self._set def __len__(self): return len(self._set) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._set) def add(self, obj): if obj not in self._set: self._set.add(obj) return True return False def addAll(self, collection): size = len(self._set) self._set.update(collection) return len(self._set) > size def clear(self): self._set.clear() def contains(self, obj): return obj in self._set def containsAll(self, collection): for obj in collection: if obj not in self._set: return False return True def equals(self, collection): if type(self) is type(collection): return self._set == collection._set return False def isEmpty(self): return len(self._set) == 0 def iterator(self): class _iterator(PythonIterator): def __init__(_self): super(_iterator, _self).__init__() _self._iterator = iter(self._set) def hasNext(_self): if hasattr(_self, '_next'): return True try: _self._next = _self._iterator.next() return True except StopIteration: return False def next(_self): if hasattr(_self, '_next'): next = _self._next del _self._next else: next = _self._iterator.next() return next return _iterator() def remove(self, obj): try: self._set.remove(obj) return True except KeyError: return False def removeAll(self, collection): result = False for obj in collection: try: self._set.remove(obj) result = True except KeyError: pass return result def retainAll(self, collection): result = False for obj in list(self._set): if obj not in collection: self._set.remove(obj) result = True return result def size(self): return len(self._set) def toArray(self): # JavaSet return list(self._set) class JavaListIterator(PythonListIterator): """ This class implements java.util.ListIterator for a Python list instance it wraps. (simple bidirectional iterator) """ def __init__(self, _lst, index=0): super(JavaListIterator, self).__init__() self._lst = _lst self._lastIndex = -1 # keep state for remove/set self.index = index def next(self): if self.index >= len(self._lst): raise JavaError, NoSuchElementException(str(self.index)) result = self._lst[self.index] self._lastIndex = self.index self.index += 1 return result def previous(self): if self.index <= 0: raise JavaError, NoSuchElementException(str(self.index - 1)) self.index -= 1 self._lastIndex = self.index return self._lst[self.index] def hasPrevious(self): return self.index > 0 def hasNext(self): return self.index < len(self._lst) def nextIndex(self): return min(self.index, len(self._lst)) def previousIndex(self): return max(-1, self.index - 1) def add(self, element): """ Inserts the specified element into the list. The element is inserted immediately before the next element that would be returned by next, if any, and after the next element that would be returned by previous, if any. """ if self._lastIndex < 0: raise JavaError, IllegalStateException("add") self._lst.insert(self.index, element) self.index += 1 self._lastIndex = -1 # invalidate state def remove(self): """ Removes from the list the last element that was returned by next or previous. """ if self._lastIndex < 0: raise JavaError, IllegalStateException("remove") del self._lst[self._lastIndex] self._lastIndex = -1 # invalidate state def set(self, element): """ Replaces the last element returned by next or previous with the specified element. """ if self._lastIndex < 0: raise JavaError, IllegalStateException("set") self._lst[self._lastIndex] = element def __iter__(self): return self class JavaList(PythonList): """ This class implements java.util.List around a Python list instance it wraps. """ def __init__(self, _lst): super(JavaList, self).__init__() self._lst = _lst def __contains__(self, obj): return obj in self._lst def __len__(self): return len(self._lst) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._lst) def add(self, index, obj): self._lst.insert(index, obj) def addAll(self, collection): size = len(self._lst) self._lst.extend(collection) return len(self._lst) > size def addAll(self, index, collection): size = len(self._lst) self._lst[index:index] = collection return len(self._lst) > size def clear(self): del self._lst[:] def contains(self, obj): return obj in self._lst def containsAll(self, collection): for obj in collection: if obj not in self._lst: return False return True def equals(self, collection): if type(self) is type(collection): return self._lst == collection._lst return False def get(self, index): if index < 0 or index >= self.size(): raise JavaError, IndexOutOfBoundsException(str(index)) return self._lst[index] def indexOf(self, obj): try: return self._lst.index(obj) except ValueError: return -1 def isEmpty(self): return len(self._lst) == 0 def iterator(self): class _iterator(PythonIterator): def __init__(_self): super(_iterator, _self).__init__() _self._iterator = iter(self._lst) def hasNext(_self): if hasattr(_self, '_next'): return True try: _self._next = _self._iterator.next() return True except StopIteration: return False def next(_self): if hasattr(_self, '_next'): next = _self._next del _self._next else: next = _self._iterator.next() return next return _iterator() def lastIndexOf(self, obj): i = len(self._lst)-1 while (i>=0): if obj.equals(self._lst[i]): break i -= 1 return i def listIterator(self, index=0): return JavaListIterator(self._lst, index) def remove(self, obj_or_index): if type(obj_or_index) is type(1): return removeAt(int(obj_or_index)) return removeElement(obj_or_index) def removeAt(self, pos): """ Removes the element at the specified position in this list. Note: private method called from Java via remove(int index) index is already checked (or IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown) """ try: el = self._lst[pos] del self._lst[pos] return el except IndexError: # should not happen return None def removeObject(self, obj): """ Removes the first occurrence of the specified object from this list, if it is present """ try: self._lst.remove(obj) return True except ValueError: return False def removeAll(self, collection): result = False for obj in collection: if self.removeElement(obj): result = True return result def retainAll(self, collection): result = False for obj in self._lst: if obj not in collection and self.removeElement(obj): result = True return result def size(self): return len(self._lst) def toArray(self): return self._lst def subListChecked(self, fromIndex, toIndex): """ Note: private method called from Java via subList() from/to index are already checked (or IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown) also IllegalArgumentException is thronw if the endpoint indices are out of order (fromIndex > toIndex) """ sublst = self._lst[fromIndex:toIndex] return JavaList(sublst) def set(self, index, obj): if index < 0 or index >= self.size(): raise JavaError, IndexOutOfBoundsException(str(index)) self._lst[index] = obj