/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document; namespace Lucene.Net.Index { /// A FilterIndexReader contains another IndexReader, which it /// uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the /// way or providing additional functionality. The class /// FilterIndexReader itself simply implements all abstract methods /// of IndexReader with versions that pass all requests to the /// contained index reader. Subclasses of FilterIndexReader may /// further override some of these methods and may also provide additional /// methods and fields. /// public class FilterIndexReader : IndexReader { /// Base class for filtering {@link TermDocs} implementations. public class FilterTermDocs : TermDocs { protected internal TermDocs in_Renamed; public FilterTermDocs(TermDocs in_Renamed) { this.in_Renamed = in_Renamed; } public virtual void Seek(Term term) { in_Renamed.Seek(term); } public virtual void Seek(TermEnum termEnum) { in_Renamed.Seek(termEnum); } public virtual int Doc() { return in_Renamed.Doc(); } public virtual int Freq() { return in_Renamed.Freq(); } public virtual bool Next() { return in_Renamed.Next(); } public virtual int Read(int[] docs, int[] freqs) { return in_Renamed.Read(docs, freqs); } public virtual bool SkipTo(int i) { return in_Renamed.SkipTo(i); } public virtual void Close() { in_Renamed.Close(); } } /// Base class for filtering {@link TermPositions} implementations. public class FilterTermPositions : FilterTermDocs, TermPositions { public FilterTermPositions(TermPositions in_Renamed) : base(in_Renamed) { } public virtual int NextPosition() { return ((TermPositions) this.in_Renamed).NextPosition(); } } /// Base class for filtering {@link TermEnum} implementations. public class FilterTermEnum : TermEnum { protected internal TermEnum in_Renamed; public FilterTermEnum(TermEnum in_Renamed) { this.in_Renamed = in_Renamed; } public override bool Next() { return in_Renamed.Next(); } public override Term Term() { return in_Renamed.Term(); } public override int DocFreq() { return in_Renamed.DocFreq(); } public override void Close() { in_Renamed.Close(); } } protected internal IndexReader in_Renamed; ///

Construct a FilterIndexReader based on the specified base reader. /// Directory locking for delete, undeleteAll, and setNorm operations is /// left to the base reader.


Note that base reader is closed if this FilterIndexReader is closed.

/// specified base reader. /// public FilterIndexReader(IndexReader in_Renamed):base(in_Renamed.Directory()) { this.in_Renamed = in_Renamed; } public override TermFreqVector[] GetTermFreqVectors(int docNumber) { return in_Renamed.GetTermFreqVectors(docNumber); } public override TermFreqVector GetTermFreqVector(int docNumber, System.String field) { return in_Renamed.GetTermFreqVector(docNumber, field); } public override int NumDocs() { return in_Renamed.NumDocs(); } public override int MaxDoc() { return in_Renamed.MaxDoc(); } public override Document Document(int n) { return in_Renamed.Document(n); } public override bool IsDeleted(int n) { return in_Renamed.IsDeleted(n); } public override bool HasDeletions() { return in_Renamed.HasDeletions(); } protected internal override void DoUndeleteAll() { in_Renamed.UndeleteAll(); } public override bool HasNorms(System.String field) { return in_Renamed.HasNorms(field); } public override byte[] Norms(System.String f) { return in_Renamed.Norms(f); } public override void Norms(System.String f, byte[] bytes, int offset) { in_Renamed.Norms(f, bytes, offset); } protected internal override void DoSetNorm(int d, System.String f, byte b) { in_Renamed.SetNorm(d, f, b); } public override TermEnum Terms() { return in_Renamed.Terms(); } public override TermEnum Terms(Term t) { return in_Renamed.Terms(t); } public override int DocFreq(Term t) { return in_Renamed.DocFreq(t); } public override TermDocs TermDocs() { return in_Renamed.TermDocs(); } public override TermPositions TermPositions() { return in_Renamed.TermPositions(); } protected internal override void DoDelete(int n) { in_Renamed.DeleteDocument(n); } protected internal override void DoCommit() { in_Renamed.Commit(); } protected internal override void DoClose() { in_Renamed.Close(); } public override System.Collections.ICollection GetFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption fieldNames) { return in_Renamed.GetFieldNames(fieldNames); } public override long GetVersion() { return in_Renamed.GetVersion(); } public override bool IsCurrent() { return in_Renamed.IsCurrent(); } } }