/* * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis { [TestFixture] public class TestAnalyzers { public virtual void AssertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, System.String input, System.String[] output) { TokenStream ts = a.TokenStream("dummy", new System.IO.StringReader(input)); for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++) { Token t = ts.Next(); Assert.IsNotNull(t); Assert.AreEqual(t.TermText(), output[i]); } Assert.IsNull(ts.Next()); ts.Close(); } [Test] public virtual void TestSimple() { Analyzer a = new SimpleAnalyzer(); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo bar FOO BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo bar . FOO <> BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo.bar.FOO.BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "U.S.A.", new System.String[]{"u", "s", "a"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "C++", new System.String[]{"c"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "B2B", new System.String[]{"b", "b"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "2B", new System.String[]{"b"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "\"QUOTED\" word", new System.String[]{"quoted", "word"}); } [Test] public virtual void TestNull() { Analyzer a = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo bar FOO BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", "FOO", "BAR"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo bar . FOO <> BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", ".", "FOO", "<>", "BAR"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo.bar.FOO.BAR", new System.String[]{"foo.bar.FOO.BAR"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "U.S.A.", new System.String[]{"U.S.A."}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "C++", new System.String[]{"C++"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "B2B", new System.String[]{"B2B"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "2B", new System.String[]{"2B"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "\"QUOTED\" word", new System.String[]{"\"QUOTED\"", "word"}); } [Test] public virtual void TestStop() { Analyzer a = new StopAnalyzer(); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo bar FOO BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"}); AssertAnalyzesTo(a, "foo a bar such FOO THESE BAR", new System.String[]{"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"}); } } }