Lucene.Net History ------------------ 15Dec05: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 004 to the Apache incubator site - Clean-up: VS.Net project settings. 21Nov05: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 004 - Fix: Fixed System.Object cast in Lucene.Net.Search.RangeQuery and Lucene.Net.Analysis.PorterStemFilter -- Thanks to Jason - Note: Moved project to Apache at: 23Oct05: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 003 - Fix: Memory leak -- Thanks to Marcus. - Fix: Remoting class and other misused of System.Object cast -- Thanks to Jason 22Feb05: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 002 - Fix: Lucene.Net.Index.MultiReader.cs -- fixed GetIndexedFieldNames() 13Feb05: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 final build 001 - Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.TermQuery.Clone() -- was returning null, so removed it. - Fix: Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.cs -- replaced StreamReader() to TextReader() - Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.RemoteSearchable.cs -- added InitializeLifetimeService() - Fix: Lucene.Net.Document.DateField.cs -- fixed StringToDate() - Fix: Lucene.Net.Store.RAMDirectory.cs -- fixed RAMDirectory() - Issue: Demo.IndexHtml won't work due to some bug in the area of in-memory stream porting 05Jan05: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 RC2 build 001 - Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.Query.MergeBooleanQueries(); cast type was wrong. - Fix: Demo.IndexHtml; can index now but searching on the index file won't work, yet. 21Dec04: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 RC1 build 001 - Fix: Document.DateField.StringToTime() -- can't use System.Convert.ToInt64() 06Dec04: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.3 beta build 001 22Nov04: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.0 RC1 build 001 - Fix: Changed some data types from 'int' to 'long' - Fix: changed some codes from base.Clone() to this.Clone() 10Nov04: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.0 beta build 002 (targeted for "final") - Fix: Document.Fields() now returns an IEnumerable. Thanks to Marcus. - Fix: Use SupportClass.Single.Parse() to parse numbers ending with 'f' 03Nov04: - Release: Lucene.Net.1.4.0 beta build 001 - Release Note: 159 test run, 7 failed due to non-existing remote-Lucene setup - Failed Test: - Search.TestRemoteSearchable.* - Search.TestSort.TestNormalizedScores/TestRemoteCustomSort/TestRemoteSort - Fix: Removed 'ref' keyword usage from DateTime. - Port: TestQueryParser.cs -- done. thanks to Radu. - Fix: TestQueryParser.cs -- date-range formating issues. - Fix: Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.GetRangeQuery() -- date-range formating issues. - Fix: Use: System.IO.Path.Combine("path-1", "path-2") instead of "path-1" + "\\" + "path-2" 29Oct04: - Port: Ported "test" out of ~160 tests, only ~14 fail. - Port: SupportClass.Character.ForDigit() -- done. thanks to Monsur - Port: Lucene.Net.Documents.DateField.cs -- done. thanks to Monsur - Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanScorer - Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.FilteredQuery - Fix: Lucene.Net.Search.SortScorers 25Oct04: - Port: Ported "test" more than 2/3 of the NUnit test now pass - Fix: Fixed query (ToString()) formating issue ("2" -> "2.0") to pass NUnit test - Fix: Field items iteration 19Oct04: - Fix: TermInfoReader.get_Renamed() -> TermInfoReader.Get() - Fix: Searching now works 18Oct04: - Fix: Indexing now works; indexing with Lucene.Net and searching on the same index via Jakarta Lucene - Fix: System.IO.TextReader.Read() returns 0 not -1 so check for '<= 0' 16Oct04: - Port: QueryTermVector.cs -- done. thanks to Monsur 14Oct04: - Port: SpanNearQuery.cs -- done. thanks to Radu - Port: SpanOrQuery.cs -- done. thanks to Radu - Port: FSDirectory.cs -- done. thanks to Seth & Bill - Port: IndexReader.cs -- done. thanks to Bill - Port: IndexWriter.cs -- done. thanks to Bill 13Oct04 Lucene.Net.1.4-alpha build 002 - Port: SpanNearQuery.cs & SpanOrQuery.cs -- thanks to Radu - Fix: FSDirectory.cs, IndexReader.cs & IndexWriter.cs -- thanks to Seth and Bill - Fix: FSDirectory.RenameFile() 13Oct04 Lucene.Net.1.4-alpha build 002 - Note: First effort to port Jakarta Lucene 1.4-final to C# - Note: Ported emements are: "src" and "demo" - Note: There are still outstanding un-ported code (12 in all) which are being looked at - Note: The code compiles and runs as is, but you can't index or search - Fix: PriorityQueue.Out() -> PriorityQueue.Put() - Port: MultiReader.cs & Document.cs -- thanks to Radu 15Sep04 Lucene.Net.1.3-rc3 build 001 - Revival of Lucene by repackaging 1.3rc1-001 and 1.3rc3-001 29Sep04 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc3 build 001 - initial release of jakarta lucene 1.3-rc3 for changes:*checkout*/jakarta-lucene/CHANGES.txt?rev=1.58 - fix: DateToString bug for more info: 18Apr04 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc2 build 002 - add: demos, web demos and tests - fix: add FileAccess.Read key with FileMode.Open when open file stream for read - fix: name style updated Document.cs:GetField() QueryParser.cs: GenerateParseException() Search/BooleanQuery.cs:GetMaxClauseCount(),SetMaxClauseCount() - new: Lucene.Net National Language Support Pack (Lucene.Net.NLS Pack) support: Brazilian, CJK, Chinese, Czech, French and Dutch Analysers 20Dec03 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc2 build 001 - initial release for 1.3-rc2 only Lucene.Net without demo and tests 09Jan03 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc1 build 002 - update: documentation and comments - bug fixed: wildcard search crash lucene - fixed look TestQueryFSDirectory project for details - bug fixed: all tests and demos work 08May03 Lucene.Net 1.3-rc1 build 001 - initial release