Highlighter.Net 2.0.0

Formatter Interface

Processes terms found in the original text, typically by applying some form of mark-up to highlight terms in HTML search results pages.

For a list of all members of this type, see Formatter Members.

public interface Formatter

Types that implement Formatter

Type Description
GradientFormatter Formats text with different color intensity depending on the score of the term.
SimpleHTMLFormatter Simple {@link Formatter} implementation to highlight terms with a pre and post tag
SpanGradientFormatter Formats text with different color intensity depending on the score of the term using the span tag. GradientFormatter uses a bgcolor argument to the font tag which doesn't work in Mozilla, thus this class.


Namespace: Lucene.Net.Highlight

Assembly: Highlighter.Net (in Highlighter.Net.dll)

See Also

Formatter Members | Lucene.Net.Highlight Namespace