Lucene Analyzers README file This project provides pre-compiled version of the Snowball stemmers based on revision 502 of the Tartarus Snowball repository, now located at (GitHub), together with classes integrating them with the Lucene search engine. A few changes has been made to the static Snowball code and compiled stemmers: * Class SnowballProgram is made abstract and contains new abstract method stem() to avoid reflection in Lucene filter class SnowballFilter. * All use of StringBuffers has been refactored to StringBuilder for speed. * Snowball BSD license header has been added to the Java classes to avoid having RAT adding new ASL headers. * Uses Java 7 MethodHandles and fixes method visibility bug: If you want to add new stemmers, use the exact revision / Git commit above to generate the Java class, place it in src/java/org/tartarus/snowball/ext, and finally execute "ant patch-snowball". The latter will change the APIs of the generated class to make it compatible. Already patched classes are not modified. IMPORTANT NOTICE ON BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY! An index created using the Snowball module in Lucene 2.3.2 and below might not be compatible with the Snowball module in Lucene 2.4 or greater. For more information about this issue see: For more information on Snowball, see: