=== Lucene Status Report: March 2012 === TLP We have added several new PMC members: * Martijn van Groningen * Dawid Weiss * Jan Jøydahl Trademarks: We have not made progress on trademarks since the last board report, but do intend to finish the necessary pieces. * Project Naming And Descriptions : We believe this is complete, but are still reviewing. * Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to www.apache.org included. Likely complete, but under review. * Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in footers, etc. The main TLP site is converted, subproject sites have not. * Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your site In progress. Some have been converted to have TM, some not. We don't seem to have ready volunteers on the graphical front, so it is slower than we'd like * Project Metadata : DOAP file checkedin and up to date Done LUCENE JAVA/Solr Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit and Solr is a search server built on top of Lucene. The community is very active. The community has recently switched to the Apache CMS including several improvement that increased the number of package downloads significantly. The community is working towards a Lucene & Solr 3.6 release and plans to branch trunk in preparation for a Lucene 4.0 Alpha release. Additionally, we have added several new committers: * David Smiley * Christian Moen * Sami Siren * James Dyer * Stefan Matheis * Tommaso Teofili Other issues We have identified an issue (SOLR-3204) with a jar we published containing code from the Commons CSV project. The Lucene PMC is working closely with the Apache Commons PMC to resolve the issue. Due to initial misunderstanding between Lucene and Commons CSV committers this issue was communicated to the board causing discussions about the healthiness of the Lucene PMC. The Lucene PMC dismisses the allegation with confidence that the Lucene PMC operates on a healthy level within the Apache way. The rapid communication turnaround leading to allegations appear to be unhealthy to the relation between the PMC and the Board level. The Lucene PMC asks that in the future, Board members wait a reasonable amount of time (more than 48 hours) to let the Lucene Community and PMC resolve such issues ourselves before attempting to intervene. Open Relevance Project The Open Relevance Project is a project aimed at providing Lucene and others tools for judging the quality of search and machine learning approaches. The community is not very active, but we don't expect it to be very high volume either as it is a niche area. PyLucene PyLucene is a Python integration of Lucene Java. Development is almost entirely an automated port, so this project will never require a lot of developers. The user community is active.