Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API

Token Constructor

Constructs a Token will null text.

Overload List

Constructs a Token will null text.

public Token();

Constructs a Token with the given term buffer (offset and length), start and end offsets.

public Token(char[],int,int,int,int);


public Token(int,int);


public Token(int,int,int);


public Token(int,int,string);

Constructs a Token with the given term text, and start and end offsets. The type defaults to "word." NOTE: for better indexing speed you should instead use the char[] termBuffer methods to set the term text.

public Token(string,int,int);

Constructs a Token with the given term text, start and end offsets, and flags. NOTE: for better indexing speed you should instead use the char[] termBuffer methods to set the term text.

public Token(string,int,int,int);

Constructs a Token with the given term text, start and end offsets, and type. NOTE: for better indexing speed you should instead use the char[] termBuffer methods to set the term text.

public Token(string,int,int,string);

See Also

Token Class | Lucene.Net.Analysis Namespace