log4net SDK Reference

log4net.Layout Namespace

Output message layouts.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
ExceptionLayout A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event
Layout2RawLayoutAdapter Adapts any ILayout to a IRawLayout
LayoutSkeleton Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format.
PatternLayout A flexible layout configurable with pattern string.
PatternLayout.ConverterInfo Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types
RawLayoutConverter Type converter for the IRawLayout interface
RawPropertyLayout Extract the value of a property from the LoggingEvent
RawTimeStampLayout Extract the date from the LoggingEvent
RawUtcTimeStampLayout Extract the date from the LoggingEvent
SimpleLayout A very simple layout
XmlLayout Layout that formats the log events as XML elements.
XmlLayoutBase Layout that formats the log events as XML elements.
XmlLayoutSchemaLog4j Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema


Interface Description
ILayout Interface implemented by layout objects
IRawLayout Interface for raw layout objects