log4net Manual - Plugins


Plugins are additional modular components that are attached to a logger repository.

Plugins are stored in the PluginMap of an ILoggerRepository. Plugins are attached to the repository by using the PluginMap.Add method.

The following plugins are included in the log4net package:

Type Description
log4net.Plugin.RemoteLoggingServerPlugin Creates a remote logging sink that can receive logging events from a RemotingAppender.
  • RemoteLoggingServerPlugin

    Creates a remote logging sink that can receive logging events from a RemotingAppender.

    Creates a remoting logging sink. A single parameter must be passed to the constructor that specifies the sink URI. This is a name used to identify the logging sink object published via remoting and must be agreed with the client before communication can take place.

    Example usage:

    LogManager.GetRepository().PluginMap.Add(new RemoteLoggingServerPlugin("LoggingSink"));

Plugin Attributes

Plugins can be configured using the following assembly-level attributes:

  • PluginAttribute

    Specifies a plugin type to create and attach to the default repository. This attribute does not allow plugins to be parameterized. The plugin class must have a public default constructor.

    This attribute may be used as many times as necessary to attach plugins to the repository.