SocketImpl Member List

This is the complete list of members for SocketImpl, including all inherited members.

accept(SocketImplPtr s)SocketImpl
addRef() const ObjectImpl [virtual]
addressSocketImpl [protected]
bind(InetAddressPtr host, int port)SocketImpl
cast(const Class &clazz) const =0Object [pure virtual]
connect(InetAddressPtr address, int port)SocketImpl
connect(const LogString &host, int port)SocketImpl
create(bool stream)SocketImpl
getClass() const Object [virtual]
getInetAddress() const SocketImpl [inline]
getLocalPort() const SocketImpl [inline]
getPort() const SocketImpl [inline]
getSoTimeout() const SocketImpl
getStaticClass()Object [static]
instanceof(const Class &clazz) const =0Object [pure virtual]
listen(int backlog)SocketImpl
localportSocketImpl [protected]
memoryPoolSocketImpl [protected]
portSocketImpl [protected]
read(void *buf, size_t len) const SocketImpl
refObjectImpl [mutable, protected]
registerClass()Object [static]
releaseRef() const ObjectImpl [virtual]
setSoTimeout(int timeout)SocketImpl
socketSocketImpl [protected]
toString() const SocketImpl
write(const void *buf, size_t len)SocketImpl
~Object()Object [inline, virtual]
~ObjectImpl()ObjectImpl [virtual]