HOWTOBUILD.txt ============== This document outlines the steps required to build and run the log4j sandbox classes. Comments/Changes/Bugs for this document and build process: * Log4j Developers list ( Assumptions =========== * Familiar with Ant, and have it installed ( (requires the 1.5.x series of Ant, including Conditions support) Step-by-Step to build Log4j-Sandbox ====================================== 1. Download logging-log4j (you've probably already done this if you're reading this...) 2. Copy the file -> 3. Edit the file and modify to suit your needs. In particular * Ensure the "Library Path Stuff" section contains correct relative/full paths to the relevant libraries (You might need to source these from the 'Net) 4. From the logging-log4j root directory, type: ant jar That's it ;)