# This property file is used by build.xml to located resource needed to build # the log4j-sandbox code. Duplicate this file and rename to "build.properties" # and locate it in the same directory as the build.xml file. Then modify the # properties below to reflect the locations of the resources in your # development environment. # set these to your requirements to be passed to the javac command build.debug=on build.deprecation=off build.optimize=on build.verbose=off # log4j jar REQUIRED #log4j.jar=./build-libs/log4j-1.2.8.jar log4j.jar=/home/yoavs/.maven/repository/log4j/jars/log4j-1.2.7.jar # Servlet 2.3 OPTIONAL; required to build the org.apache.log4j.servlet package #servlet.jar=./build-libs/servlet.jar servlet.jar=/home/yoavs/.maven/repository/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.3.jar # Checkstyle jar OPTIONAL; required to execute checkstyle target checkstyle.jar=d:/development/code-opensource/other/checkstyle-3.1/checkstyle-all-3.1.jar # Jalopy OPTIONAL; required to run the jalpoy targets jalopy.lib=d:/development/code-opensource/other/jalopy-b10/lib # Smack jar OPTIONAL; required to build the org.apache.log4j.net.IMAppender smack.jar=../smack-1.2.0/smack.jar