# Here is a Configuration-file example, which can be used with the PropertyConfigurator : # Declare a appender variable named JDBC log4j.rootCategory=JDBC # JDBC is a class of JDBCAppender, which writes messages into a database log4j.appender.JDBC=JDBCAppender # 1. Database-options to connect to the database log4j.appender.JDBC.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY=tcp.world)(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=LENZI)(Port=1521))(ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY=tcp.world)(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=LENZI)(Port=1526)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=LENZI))) log4j.appender.JDBC.username=mex_pr_dev60 log4j.appender.JDBC.password=mex_pr_dev60 # 2. Connector-option to specify your own JDBCConnectionHandler #log4j.appender.JDBC.connector=MyConnectionHandler # 3. SQL-option to specify a static sql-statement which will be performed with every occuring message-event #log4j.appender.JDBC.sql=INSERT INTO LOGTEST (id, msg, created_on, created_by) VALUES (1, @MSG@, sysdate, 'me') # 4. Table-option to specify one table contained by the database log4j.appender.JDBC.table=logtest # 5. Columns-option to describe the important columns of the table (Not nullable columns are mandatory to describe!) log4j.appender.JDBC.columns=id_seq~EMPTY id~ID~MyIDHandler msg~MSG created_on~TIMESTAMP created_by~STATIC~Thomas Fenner (t.fenner@klopotek.de) # 6. Layout-options to define the layout of the messages (optional) #log4j.appender.JDBC.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout #log4j.appender.JDBC.layout.ConversionPattern=%m # 7. Buffer-option to define the size of the message-event-buffer (optional) #log4j.appender.JDBC.buffer=1 # 8. Commit-option to define a auto-commitment (optional) #log4j.appender.JDBC.commit=Y