Given that log4j 1.3 is not likely to be released before a few months, I have created a branch called v1_2-branch in our CVS repository. The branch was created by issuing the following command: cvs -d rtag -b -r v1_2final v1_2-branch jakarta-log4j Using the 1.2 branch, we can incorporate patches to log4j version 1.2 while version 1.3 continues to be developed on the main trunk. For example, we can officially release LogFactor5 (including documentation) already in log4j 1.2.1. The command to access the v1_2-branch is: cvs -d XYZ checkout -r v1_2-branch jakarta-log4j where XYZ is the remote repository name, that is "" for me. Alternatively, you can issue following update command from within any existing work copy. cvs update -r v1_2-branch Working with branches is not completely trivial and requires a little coordination between committers, in particular in relation with branch merge operations. In order to avoid multiple merge conflicts, each time we merge from the 1.2 branch to the main trunk, we should tag the merged version on the 1.2 branch. Subsequent merges should use the tag referring to the latest merged version of the branch. Also do not forget to publicly announce a merge operation. I am suggesting that (1.2 -> trunk) merge operations be done in a concerted manner. Before doing a merge you tell everyone that you are going to do a merge, you execute the merge operation, and then tag the merged version on the 1.2 branch, for example v_1_2_-merged-bug666 The *next* merge operation would be performed as cvs update -j v_1_2_-merged-bug666 -j v1_2-branch from within a working copy of the *trunk*. This merge operation would obviously also need to be tagged. According to the CVS manual, this procedure eliminates the side effects of merging already merged changes. Bug fixes should and documentation improvements, should be made to the 1.2 branch, not the trunk. I'll take care of merging the changes to the main trunk. If this sounds like mambo jumbo, I urge you to consult the CVS documentation and experiment with branches before hitting the log4j repository. Branches are not that complicated really although they require slightly more discipline on the part of committers. Do not hesitate to shout if you need help. If you have a better alternative for working with branches please let us know. -- Ceki