apache > lenya

Notes for lenya.zones.apache.org.


The server lenya.zones.apache.org provides our testing and demonstration area. It is managed by Apache Lenya committers.


We are not finished setting up our zone server (better said still in a very early stage), if something is not working it is maybe because it is not set up yet. ;-) Besides the directory structure may change.

Bin files and site structure are stored in SVN at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lenya/zone. Please make sure you have a local copy which you can edit. You should not edit our zone files directly on the server. To update them just do svn update. For more information about the scripts please read the source code.

Till now we only had one user lenya. Further to understand what is going on read the source code.

bin - svn-checkout@zone: /export/home/lenya/bin

kill all processes containing specified strings.
Will update, build clean, build and start the forrest docu instance (not in use ATM)
Shows the currently configured schedule. If you change it, make sure to as well apply it (see tips and tricks).
This script will build lenya trunk http://lenya.zones.apache.org:9999/index.html and lenya-1.2.x http://lenya.zones.apache.org:8888/index.html Further you can invoke/prevent "svn update" and the building of cocoon/lenya. FIXME: I will split this script apart for each lenya version.
set the environment (NOTE: Till now it is a non verified copy from forrest)

htdocs - svn-checkout@zone: /export/home/lenya/htdocs

Containing src and build of our zones website. Here you can find various forrestbot configuration files (publish-website-preview.xml and publish-zone.xml) which are deploying the zones site and the lenya staging docu.

All files are owned in the group "other" so any one of us can edit/update. Make sure that your 'umask' is set properly so that new files have group write permissions. See the notes about user administration. FIXME: Add a proper group.


Global zone software is as described in zone administration.

Various local software is installed in /export/opt/ (not managed with SVN) ...

Till now we have installed all additional software in /export/home/lenya/src. They are mostly svn checkouts of lenya, cocoon and forrest.

Fixme (thorsten)
Add more information.


See the general notes for the zone administration.

The project chair is the root user. Committers can ask on the dev list to get a user account added or modified.

Follow Leo's config ideas at GumpZonesConfig.

FIXME: Start apache2 on boot (using new Solaris init.d replacement called smf). At the moment we need to realise that it is down and manually restart as per http://www.apache.org/dev/solaris-zones.html Also it seems that /var/run/apache2 is wiped out on reboot, so need to mkdir again.

User administration

After receiving your account, please be sure to configure it properly.

See some notes at zone administration and the general notes for new committers (especially the part about 'umask').

Look at the setup of some other users on our zone.

Tips and tricks

lenya user - Till now we have used only the user lenya to start all scripts and manage the cronjobs. Doing the following you are save to do your work.

su lenya 
Password: (like sended to you)

restarting services - You should not restart manually the instances, it is better to use /export/home/lenya/bin/nightlies.sh. If you do please store the pid in /export/home/lenya/bin in one of the following files:


cron - The user lenya is owner of all cron jobs running on zones. If you want to add another cron please edit mycrons.cron (zone/bin) - follow the useful reference. Then commit and ssh to the server:

ssh -l lenya lenya.zones.apache.org
-bash-3.00$ cd bin/
-bash-3.00$ svn up
-bash-3.00$ crontab mycrons.cron #loads the actual cron jobs
-bash-3.00$ crontab -l #check to see if it was loaded