W Y O N A C O N T E N T - M A N A G E M E N T - S Y S T E M ============================================================== Contents -------- -Prerequisite -Installation -Notes Prerequisite ------------ You need to have an installed Apache Ant 1.4. Point your favorite browser to http://jakarta.apache.org/ant and get a version 1.4 or greater distribution and installation instructions there. (To view targets: ant -projecthelp) Installation ------------ 1) Get, install, start, try and stop Tomcat [unix] cd /home/wyona/build wget http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/nightly/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-20020110.tar.gz (take the apropriate tomcat version, this one might not exist anymore) tar -xzf jakarta-tomcat-4.0-20020110.tar.gz export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.3.1 export CATALINA_HOME=/home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0 /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/bin/startup.sh lynx http://localhost:8080 /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/bin/shutdown.sh 2) Get and install Ant [unix] cd /home/wyona/build wget http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-ant/release/v1.4.1/bin/jakarta-ant-1.4.1-bin.tar.gz (take the apropriate ant version, this one might not exist anymore) tar -xzf jakarta-ant-1.4.1-bin.tar.gz 3) Get Wyona [unix] cd /home/wyona/src choose 1) or 2) 1) wget http://www.wyona.org/builds/wyona-cms-2.0/nightly/src/wyona-cms-2.0-src-200201102354.tar.gz (take the apropriate wyonacms (src not bin) version, this one might not exist anymore) tar -xzf wyona-cms-2.0-src-200201102354.tar.gz mv wyona-cms-2.0-src wyonacms 2) or get it from the public cvs: cvs -d :pserver:anonwyonacms@ checkout wyonacms cd wyonacms ls 4) Get, build and copy Cocoon (OPTIONAL: Just in case you want the most recent Cocoon. If not, then go to 5) [unix] cd /home/wyona/src wget http://cvs.apache.org/snapshots/xml-cocoon2/xml-cocoon2_20020110171938.tar.gz (take the apropriate cocoon version, this one might not exist anymore) tar -xzf xml-cocoon2_20020110171938.tar.gz cd xml-cocoon2 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.3.1 ./build.sh -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp cp build/cocoon/cocoon.war ../wyonacms/. 5) Build Wyona [unix] cd /home/wyona/src/wyonacms export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.3.1 export ANT_HOME=/home/wyona/build/jakarta-ant-1.4.1 export PATH=/home/wyona/build/jakarta-ant-1.4.1/bin:$PATH ant ls build/wyona-cms/webapp 6) Install Wyona for Development [unix] cp build.properties.sample build.properties vi build.properties (Set install.dir and cache.dir) ant install ls install.dir (Check if things actually got copied into "install.dir", where "install.dir" is not the string "install.dir", but the value you have set within build.properties) vi /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/conf/server.xml To allow class reloading, insert the following line: 7) Start Wyona [unix] (/home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/bin/shutdown.sh) ("rm -r /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/work/*" OR "ant reset". This is the "cache.dir" directory which can be set within build.properties) /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/bin/startup.sh lynx http://localhost:8080/wyona-cms/ 8) Start Hacking Wyona [unix] cd /home/wyona/src/wyonacms ls src/java ls src/webapp vi src/webapp/WEB-INF/logkit.xconf (DEBUG, ERROR) vi src/webapp/cocoon.xconf (asynchron, synchron) ant install tail -f build/webapp/WEB-INF/logs/* | grep Sitemap -B10 lynx http://localhost:8080/wyona-cms/ 9) Stop Wyona [unix] /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/bin/shutdown.sh "rm -r /home/wyona/build/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/work/*" OR "ant reset" ps aux | grep java | wc ("killall java") Notes ----- 1) Overwrite Wyona is overwriting some Cocoon files: -sitemap.xmap The original Cocoon Sitemap is mounted from the Wyona Sitemap -cocoon.xconf In order to simplify development we use "synchron" -logkit.xconf We replaced DEBUG by ERROR 2) Reconfigure Ports 1) Tomcat port: TOMCAT/conf/server.xml (default: 8080) 2) Catalina port: TOMCAT/conf/server.xml (default: 8008) 3) Tomcat shutdown port: TOMCAT/conf/server.xml (default: 8005) 4) HypersonicSQL DB port(http://www.hsqldb.org): TOMCAT/webapps/wyona-cms/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf (default: 9002) (In case you work with Cocoon Source: src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/hsqldb/hsqldb.xconf) NOTE: To find out which ports are used: /usr/local/bin/nmap localhost -p 1-65535 (http://www.insecure.org/nmap/index.html) or netstat -nt -l | grep 8080 (Linux) netstat -an | grep 8080 (Solaris)