About Apache Lenya 2.0 ====================== Subversion repository URL: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lenya/tags/RELEASE_2_0 Cocoon version: 2.11-dev, last changed revision: 603664 New Features in Apache Lenya 2.0 ================================ Architecture - Modularization - Separation of API and implementation Storage and Content Model - Documents are referenced using UUIDs - Improved management of internal links - Configurable meta data element sets - New protocols simplify repository access Website Management - Publication templating for re-using common functionality in multiple publications - Create new publication instances via the GUI - Support for configurable publication properties Access Control - Explicitly deny permissions on particular pages Assets and Images - Assets and images are treated as documents - Image upload in source editor - SVG-based server-side image resizing Workflow and Versioning - Quickly manipulate multiple documents - Personal user inboxes - Function to override other users' check-out Miscellaneous Features - Various usability improvements - News / weblog module with RSS generation - Language selection widget - Dynamically generated layout images, e.g. round corners - Better and more flexible editor integration (work in progress) Development - Usecase framework to simplify the implementation of user interaction functionality - Improved repository API - Cleanup of the code base