Lenya Tutorial - How to create a new doctype

NOTE: Also see the Wiki

The standard way

Add a link where people can click on: config/menus/menu.xsp

Create a usecase sitemap where the "flow" is defined: usecase-create-my_doctype.xmap

Define what class shall be used for the actual creation: config/doctypes/doctypes.xconf

In many cases a new document is created based on a sample: config/doctypes/samples/my_doctype.xml The name of the sample needs to be configured within config/doctypes/doctypes.xconf

Add doctype such that XSLT can be found: parameter-doctype.xmap

Create XSLT: xslt/my_doctype2xhtml.xsl

OPTIONAL: Create new menu: menus.xmap, config/menus/my_doctype.xsp

Create workflow: config/workflow/my_doctype.xml, config/doctypes/doctypes.xconf