Actual situation




Future situation


three elements 1) content... semantic content 2) users 3) web as a plateform - well know rss, atom change some usage, the emergence of rdfa, opendatas, ///find others schema,.../// will create a great modificiation into the usage of internet.


continue to deal with there own architecture, add semantic or external data features in some way or another, adapt to the vibe... but I don't see now any CMS that really move with the vibe.

The fracture

Actual CMS features is a minimum

Authentication, share, inline editing, workflow,... is a minimum requirement. All CMS have to. Lenya already implemented this.

the ambiguity

- in some way "Data" begin more big, more easy to have (web as a database) - but in another hand, data (each particular data) begin more fine grained, more little and include in a "big soup" * 2 examples (1) now an html page is not just a "page" or a "document" but an aggregation of data, of information (foaf inside, opengraph datas, RDFa,...) (2) The amont of social Datas increase extremly... but for a big part with "little" contributions (microblogging, cv page, ...) So we have now more and more Datas build with more and more thin datas.

Content equals to document is too big

In most case when we have Content Management System, it's in fact system that manage with Document. The good old view of a document : lot of text, some images and html tags. But : how to insert comments inside ? how to include dynamics datas from the "web as a database" inside a particular paragraph ? how to expose some enhanced data ?


In many definiton knowledge is emergence of information linking and processing of this information. How to implement knowledge ? No more hierarchical information structuration : web, neurons, all is linked ! informations have to be linked in the cms. Easy way to process information. Process information mean : - split one from multiple - transform one to another slighly different - merges two or three or more - ... Allow human, people, users to deal with informations in an easy way will create value, new informations and creatre knowledge (at minimum in the user's brain). ((