How to Upgrade to Lenya 1.3 Lenya 1.3 is usable as an intial install or an upgrade from Lenya 1.2. Lenya 1.3 knows nothing about Lenya 1.4 or 2.0 so upgrading publications from those releases may be difficult. First, install Lenya1.3. Follow the instructions from the Release Notes for Lenya1.2, except download the code from Lenya1.3's SVN. NOTE: If you encounter any errors running Lenya 1.3, check for duplicate libraries in directory: build/lenya/webapp/WEB-INF/lib Keep the latest version of each duplicate. === Converting Publications from Lenya 1.2 The only required conversion is to change XSL references in page2xhtml.xsl and similar files: CHANGE: select="xhtml:div[@id = 'body']" TO: select="xhtml:html/xhtml:div[@id = 'body']" === Converting data to flat datastore WARNING: The module sets the all documents to type "xhtml" except the homepage is set to type "home". This is handled in content3.xsl and should be changed if your publication has other doctypes. Open the URL: http://{yourServer}/{yourPublication}/flat/migrate To use the flat datastore, FILE: {pub}/config/publication.xconf ADD the following line: content If you move the content directory, change the value. Lenya must be restarted for this setting to be effective. If using flat content and the "nav" Module is included, the "navigation" Module will pass control to the "nav" Module. The "nav" Module expects PageModules (Modules that return HTML) to prefix navigation elements with the publication and module names. Add the following lines to "page2xhtml.xsl" and similar files: NEAR THE TOP: NEAR THE BOTTOM: AND in the XMAP "module.xmap" of any new modules, add the contenttype parameter to the map:transform: === Converting to Live and Authoring Modules We do not recommend creating a "live" Module from these instructions so the global "live" Module is used, but it may be better to use the existing code if your publication is heavily customized. In the {pub}/modules directory, create directories named "live" and "authoring". Copy {pub}/publication-sitemap.xmap to {pubs}/modules/live/module.xmap and {pub}/modules/authoring/module.xmap Fix the SRC tags as discussed in the preceding section. MODIFY FILE:{pub}/publication-sitemap.xmap The "authoring" Module will be used in case publication-sitemap.xmap is processed.