This is a list of special filenames in Modules. None are required. === Lenya 1.3 Files === module.xmap - Entry point when PageModule is called from a URL. module.xml - Description of Module. === Specific Module Files === navigation.xmap - Overrides Navigation Module (used for hierarchical content.) navigation.xsl - Overrides XSL in Navigation Module. nav.xmap - Overrides Nav Module (used for flat content.) nav.xsl - Overrides XSL in Nav Module. edit.xmap - For additional fields in Edit Module. (Still in development) === Common Naming Standards === code.js - JavaScript Flow functions. Modules descending from a module that contains a code.js file should either copy the ancestor's code.js file or use a different name such as "code1.js" with the number indicating the depth of inheritance. page2xhtml.xsl - Transforms aggregated DIVs to HTML. xhtml.xsl - Transforms doctype XML to a