TODO * All POM's currently have their own copy of the properties that indicate which verion of jars are used. This is because of the maven-eclipse plugin. However I have not tested whether the latest stable dev version of the plugin works better. * Spring dependency appears to bring in log4j 1.2.12 inside the Eclipse plugin, needs explicit exclusion, NEEDS DOCUMENTING. * I18n Pinpoint-sevice * Document how to use it in Daemon or non-daemon mode * Document how to configure it for JMX-enabling pinpoint-search * (not sure if this is CLI or searcher) Initial display of events appear SLOOOOOW. pinpoint-core bugs pinpoint-cli * try to work out the jline stuff a bit better * add support for customizing layout of presented events pinpoint-web * Consider how to layout the screen properly (see Tref) pinpoint-graphs * create the module for a start! * Be able to generate a 'timeline' graph similar to Fisheye that shows volume of events based on time of a seach result. This will require setting up a registration setup to register HitCollectors (or equivalent) to scan the returning results to build up that model. Extra-nice features * Ability to scan through a search results for the next page that contains an ERROR/WARN etc (probably don't need INFO/DEBUG...') * Processing of Apache log files? Interesting to see if they are big/small in size of LoggingEvent and index * Consider using GzipOutputStream for encoding the binary data? Might not make a massive difference in size but add CPU averhead. Configuration choice? * extractor that can extract a time range from a context quickly into Excel. (Useful for Emma and the other triagee's')