

Simple Model Diagram

Conferences are held at a venue which has one or more locations. A conference may have one or more tracks which take place on a single conference day at a venue location.

A person can create one or more presentations. Presentations are then submitted to a conference, creating a presentation submission (via the CFP process). A presentation can be submitted to more than one conference, but each submission is recorded seperately. A presentation can then be scheduled by assigning a start and end time during a specified conference track. Presentation types are matched to conference capacities, resulting in a person's role at a given conference. That is, when one schedules a session at a conference, the session presenter becomes a conference speaker. Likewise, scheduling a training results in the presenter becoming a trainer. Panel members can be added to any submission, thus allowing more than one presenter to be associated with a given presentation.

In addition to scheduled sessions, conferences can have activities which are more free-form events that may or may not have a person or track associated with them. NOTE: Activities which do not have an associated track are considered to run across all tracks at that given time slot.