Apache Labs: Radiant 'Conferences' Extension ============================================== This extension for the Radiant CMS includes models, forms and tags for managing a multi-track conference website. It was originally written to support ApacheCon and may still contain several ApacheCon specific ## Conference Model ## A Conference has one Venue with one or more Locations and one or more Tracks associated with a Location. Users create Presentations which are submitted as Submissions to a Conference. Submissions can then be approved and scheduled, becoming Scheduled Sessions associated with a Track in the Conference. Activities are scheduled events associated with a Conference (and optionally a Track) that may have no associated User (such as a lunch or break). Finally, Organizations can become Sponsors of a Conference. INSTALL --------- ./script/extension install conferences or svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/labs/consite/trunk/conferences vendor/extensions/conferences rake radiant:extensions:conferences:migrate rake radiant:extensions:conferences:update The update task will copy a version of the 'active_scaffold' plugin into your root vendor/plugins directory. This is due to the way active_scaffold looks up files and templates. The following other extensions are recommended: - members - tiny_mce_filter - page_attachments - mailer - sns TODO ------ - the 'conference_roles' view doesn't seem to be created properly in some MySQL installs. You may need to create it manually. See migration #34. - The current set of migrations need refactored to work for a clean install - RSpec tests need written - Replace ActiveScaffold with custom, better designed forms