

You can "brand" the Apache Karaf console.

By branding, it means that you can define your own:

  • the welcome message (motd or Message Of The Day) displayed when you start the console

  • the prompt displayed to the users

There are 2 ways of branding the Karaf console: (1) adding a file to etc, and (2) creating a branding bundle.

Adding a file to etc

Create a etc/ file similar to:

code welcome = \ \u001B[36m _ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m / /// / / \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m / ,< / `/ / `/ /_ \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m / /| |/ // / / / // / / \u001B[0m\r\n\ \u001B[36m // ||__,_// \\_,// \u001B[0m\r\n\ \r\n\ \u001B[1m Apache Karaf\u001B[0m (${project.version})\r\n\ \r\n\ Hit '\u001B[1m<tab>\u001B[0m' for a list of available commands\r\n\ and '\u001B[1m[cmd] --help\u001B[0m' for help on a specific command.\r\n\ Hit '\u001B[1m<ctrl-d>\u001B[0m' or '\u001B[1mosgi:shutdown\u001B[0m' to shutdown Karaf.\r\n

prompt = \u001B[1m${USER}@${APPLICATION}\u001B[0m> code

Start Karaf and you will see your branded Karaf console.

Branding bundle

At startup, Apache Karaf is looking for a bundle which exports the org.apache.karaf.branding package, containing a file.

Basically, a branding bundle is a very simple bundle, just containing a org/apache/karaf/branding/ file.

It’s easy to create such branding bundle using Apache Maven.

The following pom.xml creates a branding bundle:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


    <name>Your Branding Bundle Name</name>



You can put your file in the project resources (src/main/resources/org/apache/karaf/branding/

welcome = This is my Karaf brand\r\n
prompt = Hey ${USER}>

For instance, the default Apache Karaf branding properties file contains:

welcome = \
\u001B[36m        __ __                  ____      \u001B[0m\r\n\
\u001B[36m       / //_/____ __________ _/ __/      \u001B[0m\r\n\
\u001B[36m      / ,<  / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ /_        \u001B[0m\r\n\
\u001B[36m     / /| |/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / __/        \u001B[0m\r\n\
\u001B[36m    /_/ |_|\\__,_/_/   \\__,_/_/         \u001B[0m\r\n\
\u001B[1m  Apache Karaf\u001B[0m (${project.version})\r\n\
Hit '\u001B[1m<tab>\u001B[0m' for a list of available commands\r\n\
   and '\u001B[1m[cmd] --help\u001B[0m' for help on a specific command.\r\n\
Hit '\u001B[1m<ctrl-d>\u001B[0m' or type '\u001B[1msystem:shutdown\u001B[0m' or '\u001B[1mlogout\u001B[0m' to shutdown Karaf.\r\n

As you can see, the contains two properties: * welcome is the welcome message displayed when you start Apache Karaf console. * prompt is the string used to display the console prompt. This string supports variables: ${USER` defines the user name of the prompt. Caveat — the user name is presently static and hardcoded to "karaf", however you can override here with your own static user name. $APPLICATION defines the Karaf instance name.

As you can see, both strings support ASCII escaped format. For instance \u001B[1m switches the foreground in bold and \u001B[0m switch back to normal.

Some examples of customized prompt examples follow:

# Define a user with fancy colors
prompt = \u001B[36mmy-karaf-user\u001B[0m\u001B[1m@\u001B[0m\u001B[34m${APPLICATION}\u001B[0m>
# Static sober prompt
prompt = my-user@my-karaf>

Installing the branding bundle

Thanks to the pom.xml, we can use mvn to build the branding bundle:

mvn install

You just have to drop the file in the lib directory:

cp branding.jar /opt/apache-karaf-3.0.0/lib/karaf-branding.jar

You can now start Apache Karaf to see your branded console.


It’s also possible to brand the Apache Karaf WebConsole.

You have to create a bundle, fragment of the Apache Karaf WebConsole.

This WebConsole branding bundle contains a META-INF/ containing branding properties:

# This file contains branding properties to overwrite the default
# branding of the Apache Felix Web Console when deployed in an
# Apache Karaf application. = My Web Console = My Karaf
webconsole.product.url =
webconsole.product.image = /res/karaf/imgs/logo.png = The Apache Software Foundation
webconsole.vendor.url =
webconsole.vendor.image = /res/karaf/imgs/logo.png

webconsole.favicon = /res/karaf/imgs/favicon.ico
webconsole.stylesheet = /res/karaf/ui/webconsole.css

The bundle also provides the css stylesheet and images defined in this properties file.

As for console, you can use the following pom.xml to create the WebConsole branding bundle:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">





With the webconsole feature installed, you can install this bundle (using bundle:install or by editing the etc/, you will see the WebConsole with your branding.