h1. DOSGi and Transport DOSGi (Distributed OSGi) enables the distribution of OSGi services across the Cellar nodes. The purpose of the Cellar DOSGi is to leverage the Cellar resources (Hazelcast instances, distributed map, etc), and to be very easy to use. DOSGi is part of the core Cellar feature. To be available and visible for the others nodes, the OSGi service should only have the service.exported.interfaces property: {code} {code} You can see all OSGi services "flagged" as distributed (available for the nodes) using the cluster:list-service command: {code} karaf@root> cluster:list-service {code} A "client" bundle could use this service. If the service is not available locally, Cellar will "route" the service call to the remote remote containing the service.