#some user with administrative rights root.publisher = root root.password = root #the rest of these are regular users with basic CRUD permissions uddi.publisher = uddi uddi.password = uddi joe.publisher = joepublisher joe.password = joepublisher sam.publisher = ssyndicator sam.password = ssyndicator mary.publisher = marypublisher mary.password = marypublisher riftsaw.publisher = riftsaw riftsaw.password = riftsaw #if this is a jUDDI server, use true, otherwise false isJuddi = true # does the UDDI server support RMI transport? rmi.enabled=true #authentication mechanism, uddi=auth token, http for everything else. # in general, MS UDDI = HTTP, all others use Auth Token auth_mode = uddi #does the UDDI server support HTTP GET/REST specification identified by the spec? rest.enabled = true #does the UDDI server support the Value Set Validation APIs? vsv.enabled = true #does the UDDI server support the Subscription API? sub.enabled=true #subscription callback timeouts, in seconds sub.timeout=60 #does the UDDI server support the Custody Transfer API? transfer.enabled=true #does the UDDI server support the Replication API? replication.enabled=true # if the UDDI server supports SMTP based notification smtp.notify.enabled=true #if true, use these settings to verify message delivery/notification mail.host=localhost mail.port=110 #this can be TLS #mail.secureProtocol=TLS #mail.implicit=false mail.username=juddi@local.domain mail.password=secret mail.to=juddi@local.domain # for UDDI server callbacks (subscription api, value set validation) # use this to override the bind to address, by default it's the hostname of the computer running the tests from bindaddress=localhost #include Jboss RiftSaw integration tests = This basically tests the jUDDI clients WSDL 2 UDDI functions and creates a few tModels bpel.enabled=true #load tests loadtest.enable=false loadtest.maxbusinesses=1100 # digital signature tests keyStorePath=../uddi-tck-base/src/main/resources/keystore.jks keyStoreType=JKS filePassword=Test keyPassword=Test keyAlias=Test trustStorePath=../uddi-tck-base/src/main/resources/truststore.jks trustStoreType=JKS trustStorePassword=Test # the TCK now has tests for uddiv2 and uddiv3 uddiv2.enabled=true uddiv3.enabled=true