CREATE/CONFIGURE A MYSQL DATABASE FOR jUDDI jUDDI requires the use of a relational database (RDBMS) to store the web services metadata it manages. This document will walk you through the process of setting up a MySQL database as the persistent storage for a jUDDI registry. This document assumes that you already have a MySQL server available and running. Visit the following web site to obtain a copy of MySQL and follow the installation instructions that accompany the version you're installing. Return to these instructions when your MySQL server is up and running. Now that you've got your MySQL server up and running the next step is to create the jUDDI database, user and tables. To do this your going to pass the "create_database.sql" script to the "mysql" command line tool within a command shell (for windows users this is the "Command Prompt" window) and use the "mysql" command line tool as follows: Windows Command Prompt: mysql < {path}\create_database.sql Unix, Linux, Cygwin Shell: mysql < {path}/create_database.sql Where {path} is the the directory path where the create_databas.sql file can be found. It's no coincidence that this is also the directory where the file that you are now reading is located. Depending on your account priviledges you may be required to supply a user and password when running the above commands this can be done using the optional --user and --password options like this: mysql --user=myname --password=mysecret < create_database.sql A complete overview of the "mysql" command-line tool can be found in section 8.3 of the MySQL Manual which can be viewed online at the following URL: Now that we've got the jUDDI database and tables created it's time to insert some data. You'll notice there are two insert_xxx.sql in the mysql directory. insert_publishers.sql The "insert_publishers" table contains rows identifying UDDI publisher accounts. You should edit this file and add a row for each person that wishes to have access to the UDDI publish functionality in your registry. Follow the example inser for a user named John Doe that's in this file when adding your publishers. INSERT INTO PUBLISHER (PUBLISHER_ID,PUBLISHER_NAME,EMAIL_ADDRESS,ENABLED,ADMIN) VALUES ('jdoe','John Doe','','true','true'); NOTE that while the PUBLISHER table includes several columns not shown above only thoses shown in the example insert statement are used by jUDDI. Once you've finished editing "insert_publishers.sql" invoke the SQL with the "mysql" command line tool as follows: From Windows Command Prompt: mysql < {path}\insert_publishers.sql From Unix, Linux, Cygwin Shell: mysql < {path}/insert_publishers.sql Again, depending on your MySQL installation your account priveledges you may need to supply the --user and --password options to the mysql command line tool. If everything went well your MySQL database is now created an account for accessing this database (via JDBC) is also created and the PUBLISHER and TMODEL tables have been loaded You're now ready to take the next step and configure a JDBC DataSource within your application server to access this MySQL database. Steve Viens