Title: Sponsors ## Donated Software Licenses The jUDDI Project uses a few commercial products in the development process. We are grateful for the community licenses which were provided to the project at no costs. ## JIRA Bug and issue tracker [http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/](Jira by Atlassion.) ## JProfiler Java profiler [JProfiler by ej-technologies.](http://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html) ## XLT Xceptance LoadTest (XLT) for both regression as well as load tests by [Global Quality Partners, LLC](http://www.gqpartners.com/) and [Xceptance Software Technologies, Inc](http://www.xceptance.com/). Load and performance tests were created and executed by our sponsors using Xceptance LoadTest (XLT) from Xceptance Software Technologies, Inc., of which Global Quality Partners, LLC is the exclusive North American distributor. To enable the Apache jUDDI project to continue and extend these tests, Xceptance has provided an unlimited XLT license and donated the source code of the test suite to the Apache jUDDI project. XLT is built and scripted in pure Java, providing a highly scalable and easily adaptable technology that can be used across development, quality assurance, and consulting teams. Copyright © 2004-2013 The Apache Software Foun