This is an experimental branch of JSPWiki. It's sole purpose is to experiment with multiwiki -capability for JSPWiki 2.6. It is unoptimized and unstable. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL, AND IS NOT SUPPORTED. THE REAL MULTIWIKI CAPABILITY IS SLATED FOR 3.0, AND WILL SUBSTANTIALLY BE DIFFERENT FROM THIS. The only thing which will probably be carried across to 3.0 are the URL schemes and some helper classes. NEW FEATURES ============ * MultiWiki support UPGRADE NOTES ============= * You *MUST* create a new directory to store your pages in. If you are currently storing your pages in "/tmp/mypages", then you must create a new directory called "/tmp/mypages/Main", and move *all* files from /tmp/mypages into the /tmp/mypages/Main directory. Do *not* change jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir, nor the attachment directory. EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES ===================== There are some features in this release which could mostly be considered experimental at best. The following ones are known to work only partially: * WebDAV support. This is known to be broken on pretty many levels... KNOWN PROBLEMS ============== * WebDav and static RSS generation do not yet support the new authentication/permissions scheme. Therefore, if you have very sensitive data in your wiki, you might not want to enable these. * Not all old plugins work. Specifically, plugins from 2.2, which 1) use com.ecyrd.jspwiki package, will fail because they are not signed with the same key as jspwiki.jar, and 2) any plugin, which constructs new WikiPages will fail because of the constructor has been changed. * The default template does not work at all if you turn off Javascript. We are aware of this and working on a fix. * The editor suggestion list is not yet properly integrated. * GroupTab is missing. * Brushed javascript editor is not yet completely ported * Our documentation simply sucks at this point. Please forgive us, and point where those fixes are needed. We will improve upon this during our progress towards a stable.