As of 3.0, JSPWiki uses EhCache ( as the primary caching solution. The 2.x caching solution was based around OSCache, but EhCache provides some good benefits: * EhCache is distributable, that is, you can tell multiple instances to use the same cache. * EhCache has better configurability, allowing you to configure it in multiple ways, including a JMX bean. * EhCache is simpler to use from a programmer's point of view * Priha uses EhCache, so there's no need for two caching solutions. * EhCache 1.6, is in JSPWiki use, approximately 50% faster. JSPWiki uses the default CachingManager instance, in which it installs several caches. You may configure them by installing your own "ehcache.xml" document, or you can just let JSPWiki use its own configurations. Some of the caches can be configured from as well to provide backwards compatibility. CACHES ====== Name: jspwiki.rssCache Default configuration: 500 entries; memory only caching; expiry time 1 hr. This cache stores RSS fragments as Strings to make it easier to deal with RSS-harvesting bots. If you have a large wiki, you might want to consider increasing the size of this cache and enable disk persistence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: jspwiki.renderingCache Default configuration: 1000 entries memory only caching; expiry time 24 hrs. This cache stores WikiDocuments so that the RenderingManager can skip the expensive parsing part of the pipeline. Note that the WikiDocuments are not Serializable, so therefore you CANNOT distribute nor use disk persistence for this cache. The cache size is also controlled by the -setting "jspwiki.renderingManager.capacity". Any EhCache configuration takes precedence over ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: jspwiki.dynamicAttachmentCache Default configuration: 256 entries memory only caching; No expiry time. Stores Dynamic Attachments. In this case, EhCache is just used as a replacement for a HashMap, but allows for configurability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------