# CACHE DIRECTORY # # This is the directory on disk where caches will be stored. # it will be created if it doesn't already exist, but OSache # must be able to write to here. # # If you want to disable file caching, just comment out or remove this line. # Note: for Windows machines, this needs \ to be escaped # ie Windows: # cache.path=c:\\myapp\\cache # or *ix: # cache.path=/opt/myapp/cache # CACHE IN MEMORY # # If you want to disable memory caching, just comment out or remove this line. # Note: disabling memory AND disk caching is possible but fairly stupid ;) # #cache.memory=false # DEBUGGING # # set this to true if you want to see log4j debugging messages # #cache.debug=true # CACHE KEY # # This is the key that will be used to store the cache in the application # and session scope. # # If you want to set the cache key to anything other than the default # uncomment this line and change the cache.key # # cache.key=__oscache_cache # USE HOST DOMAIN NAME IN KEY # # Servers for multiple host domains may wish to add host name info to # the generation of the key. If this is true, then uncomment the # following line. # # cache.useHostDomainInKey=true # CACHE ALGORITHM # Default cache algorithm to use. Note that in order to use an algorithm # the cache size must also be specified. If the cache size is not specified, # the cache algorithm will be Unlimited cache. # cache.algorithm=com.opensymphony.module.oscache.base.algorithm.FIFOCache # CACHE SIZE # Default cache size in number of item. If a size is specified but not # an algorithm, the cache algorithm used will be LRUCache. cache.capacity=1000 # CACHE UNLIMITED DISK # Use unlimited disk cache or not cache.unlimited_disk=false