2008-July JSPWiki Incubator status report JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community seems to still enjoy a steady increase. The developer list now has 59 names, an increase of 15%. The user list is now 142 people strong, a growth of 18%. In addition, the JSPWiki PPMC and the Incubator PMC voted to add a new committer, Harry Metske, to the team. All LGPL dependencies have now been cleaned away from the code base, and all the code is now accounted for, either under individual CLAs, corporate CCLAs or SGAs. The cleanup did unfortunately mean that some bits of the codebase needed to be re-implemented under the Apache license, delaying the work. JSPWiki 2.8.0 has entered the testing cycle with an JSPWiki 2.8.0 alpha build available to users and developers. This is not an incubator release as such, but is released through the old mechanism so that we can postpone the switch to the org.apache.jspwiki package structure until 3.0. The API development for 3.0 has also been started in the SVN and wiki. Graduation is not on the horizon yet. The code base is not yet migrated to use the org.apache package naming and there has not been an official incubator release yet.